New Delhi200C
Monday, Feb 17, 2025


aquarius astroYouAreSunSign

(January - February)

Aquarius Annual Horoscope

Overall Outlook in 2025: The year 2025 brings a mix of opportunities and challenges for Aquarius. Saturn, your ruling planet, transitions from your first house to your second house in March, influencing key aspects of your life, such as finances, family, and personal growth.

Love & Relationships in 2025: Until May, you’ll enjoy harmony in your family and home life, strengthening bonds with loved ones.

Career & Finances in 2025: Until March, Saturn may cause obstacles in career growth, but once it shifts to your second house, financial stability and better opportunities are likely.

Health in 2025: Health remains steady for most of the year, but Saturn’s influence after March could bring minor eye-related or stress issues.

Best Months of 2025: May, June, July, and December will be highly favourable.

Bad Months of 2025: March, April, and September might bring challenges.

Key Mantra for 2025: Stay steady, embrace change with grace.


Aquarius Characteristics

  • Your Element

    You are AIR. It is the marker of intellect and smart thinkers who can win any argument. Helping you analyse and find a solution to any dilemma. With a curious mind, you see the world through a different prism, analyse every angle to find the best approach. Great communicators who think logically rather than emotionally. However, air also makes you cold, fickle and aloof.
  • Your Modality

    Fixed. For you, steadiness is the key and strength of purpose to get the job done. You are resolute, determined and stable. With persistence and the ability to concentrate you diligently and calmly work hard to cross the finishing line. However, the attitude of either my way or the highway makes you stubborn and challenging to open your ears to others.
  • Your Ruling Planet

    Mercury. It allows you to be fluid, curious and analytical. Mercury being the second-fastest planet gives you a reputation for being erratic, changeable, and unpredictable. Known for mental restlessness, swift intellect and wit, it gives you the ability to be quick learners and assimilate large volumes of information. You have an advantage with communication.
  • Best Traits

    You are a visionary, a mastermind and a genius at work. Your optimistic, inquisitive and intellectual personality makes you magnetic and welcoming to all. You have impressive observational and analytical skills which give you the power to unravel the human mind.
  • Worst Traits

    You are termed as an absent-minded professor who is quite stubborn regarding their opinions. You desperately seek the security of crowds but are aloof and emotionally detached. You won’t stand up and fight for a cause. In fact, in case of an argument, you will gently bow out as you aren’t geared up for battles.
  • Best Career

    You are a natural innovator, entrepreneur and disruptor. You are a pioneer in the field of technology but most prominently you are disrupting the normal in either writing, science or even political science. He's a group man, and teamwork comes naturally to him


NewsAstrologyHoroscopeAquarius 2025 Horoscope