Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for July 15
Daily horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces and other zodiac signs for July 15.
All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Aries (March 21-April 20)
This is a good time to tackle an issue that has been bugging you for long. You somehow always manage to get on the wrong side of spouse and face the brunt! Travelling long distance will be without any hitches. Those at loggerheads regarding a property matter may arrive at an amicable solution.
Health issues troubling some are likely to get resolved on their own. Praise is in store for some on the work front.
Love Focus: Those indulging in romance on the sly can run the risk of getting exposed.
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Alphabet: M
Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 8
Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Scorpio
Be careful of: Libra
Taurus (April 21-May 20)
Those seeking a loan will be able to complete the paperwork. A choice posting is likely for government employees. Travelling to meet some old friends will prove exciting. Health remains good, as you make efforts. Times for you are getting better, so rejoice! You are likely to get an opportunity to impress a senior at work today. A business trip will prove fruitful.
Love Focus: Love can come knocking at your door and promise much happiness.
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 3, 7, 10
Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Scorpio
Be careful of: Aquarius
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
A family youngster is likely to win your admiration. Strong financial front will make you think on the lines of a big investment. Hurdles on the professional front cannot be ruled out. Someone may be there to give you company, when you need it the most. Helping out someone in need will give you a sense of self-worth and fulfilment. You will come closer to spouse as differences begin to disappear.
Love Focus: A friendship may take the form of a budding romance.
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
Lucky Alphabet: U
Friendly Numbers: 5, 15
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Libra
Be careful of: Aries
Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)
Papers pertaining to property will be handed over to you. Workouts will keep you fit. On the academic front, you may be counted amongst the achievers, due to your above average performance. This is a good time for going in for something being planned for long. You will succeed in removing an irritant at work. Your ideas on the professional front are likely to be accepted. A journey may prove much more exciting than you had anticipated.
Love Focus: Romance that has been flickering for sometime is likely to finally ignite, so rejoice!
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Lucky Alphabet: B
Friendly Numbers: 6, 16
Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Aries
Be careful of: Virgo
Leo (July 23-August 23)
You will be able to get around your senior to take a favour. Shopping can give you a high and help unwind. The ones you are suspicious of will be the ones who will be of help, so don’t get swayed by others. Keep your options open on the financial front. You are likely to find the day favourable. Students can receive heartening news about their performance and are likely to make the parents proud.
Love Focus: Today, it will be romance to the exclusion of everything else.
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Alphabet: S
Friendly Numbers: 8, 17
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aries
Be careful of: Gemini
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Preparation for an overseas business trip is likely to start now. Keep control over expenditure. Spouse may need your emotional support. There is a good chance of meeting someone you have not met in years today. More you want to hide something, the more you are likely to reveal! Planning for a new project can find you busier than usual.
Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours are likely to bear fruits.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 4, 18
Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Aquarius
Be careful of: Cancer
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Physical appearance will be important in regaining your self-esteem, so do something about it. Forgive and forget someone who has wronged you to bring happiness back in life. A shift in parents’ or partner’s attitude will be most welcome. Financially, you may feel reluctant to invest in the existing schemes. You are likely to feel more confident about yourself by emerging out of the shadows.
Love Focus: Love may knock at the door for some.
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Alphabet: N
Friendly Numbers: 27, 17
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Capricorn
Be careful of: Taurus
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Some of you will manage to address all pending issues. Attending a celebrity do is indicated for some. Don’t be shy in shelling out money, where it serves your interests. Prepare thoroughly for a long journey to avoid hassles. You may find yourself a bundle of energy today. This is the time to reap the benefits of deeds done in the past. Workplace is likely to be a fun place today as bonhomie prevails.
Love Focus: Spending time with lover is indicated and will prove most fulfilling.
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
Lucky Alphabet: P
Friendly Numbers: 5, 12, 17
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Leo
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Those out of shape may take up fitness routine. Spending money just to keep up with the Joneses is likely to dent your savings. You may add to immovable assets through an inheritance. Enjoying power and authority in a new appointment is indicated on the professional front. You will help ease the domestic atmosphere with your wit and humour today. Your hard work on the academic front is likely to reflect in the result.
Love Focus: Thinking up newer ways of keeping lover’s interest alive will help rejuvenate your love life.
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 10, 16
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Leo
Be careful of: Cancer
Capricorn (December 22-January 21)
Excesses can have an adverse effect on your health. An awaited result may have you on pins and needles. Keeping pace with studies will be important to avoid lagging behind. Showing urgency on the academic front will get the work completed. There is someone who is attracted to you and wants to become a part of your life, so take your call. Value of something that you had invested in is likely to depreciate.
Love Focus: You may not succeed in holding your horses on the romantic front and keep galloping till you find your perfect mate!
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: P
Friendly Numbers: 22, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Libra
Be careful of: Aries
Aquarius (January 22-February 19)
Keeping your diet under control and remaining active will be the key to your good health. You are likely to find things easing a bit at work. Keeping your diet under control and remaining active will be the key to your good health. Behavior of a family youngster may cause concern, but you may be reading too much into it. Travelling with someone you get along with well can prove a blessing in disguise.
Love Focus: Young couples can expect a fulfilling love life.
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
Lucky Alphabet: G
Friendly Numbers: 6, 12, 18
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Cancer
Be careful of: Taurus
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Patience will win the race on the academic front, so don’t be in any hurry. Those planning to go for a long drive are in for a good time. You will be able to deal with an old ailment that is playing up. Time is ripe for you to strike when the iron is hot on the financial front. You will manage to win people over to your side on the social front by extending a helping hand.
Love Focus: Heart-to-heart talk will bring you closer to the one you love.
Lucky Colour: Dark Gray
Lucky Alphabet: A
Friendly Numbers: 4, 8, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Virgo
Be careful of: Libra
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