Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 18 -July 24
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 18 -July 24. What do the cards have in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for this week?
Aries (March 21-April 20)

Love: The Moon
Mood: Ten of Cups
Career: Three of Coins
You will be successful in achieving your targets without any difficulty on the professional front. Improvement is foreseen in the financial stature, especially of those working in the public sector. Making an expensive purchase will also be possible for some. Hard work and dedication are likely to help in maintaining a lead over others on the academic front. Those looking for love may get an opportunity to meet interesting people in a social gathering. Attaining spiritual solidarity will enable you to experience mental joy. Some of you may embark on a much-needed vacation full of thrill and excitement. It is an opportune time to shift into your newly-acquired home.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Blue
Taurus (April 21-May 20)
Love: Magician
Mood: The Chariot
Career: Two of Coins
You may get the opportunity to work on a prestigious assignment or may be offered a new role as well. Expert guidance is likely to help in clearing an examination or competitive test with flying colours. You will be able to lend a helping hand to a family youngster. There is very little chance of escaping from the Cupid’s arrow as your love life is set to blossom. You may also get a chance to socialise and play a host later this week. Those looking to buy a house or property may get lucrative deals. Those keeping unwell will soon be on the path of complete recovery.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Love: Six of Wands
Mood: The Tower
Career: Knight of Coins
Influential contacts are likely to come handy in achieving targets on the professional front. Rising expenditure will make it difficult to save money this week. Family members may remain adamant about having their way regarding your career choices. Remain alert as romantic partner’s erratic mood may ruin your plans for a lovey-dovey week. Planning a trip may prove difficult for some due to a packed schedule. Be sure to cross-check the papers of the property you are planning to purchase. Your healthy lifestyle choices are likely to have a remarkable impact on your overall physique. Your innovative ideas would develop your curiosity in a new task.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Rust
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Love: Judgement
Mood: The Hanged Man
Career: Temperance
Those looking for a new job are likely to find promising career opportunities coming their way. A sudden windfall or increased earning may enable some to write off old debts. A child or a family youngster’s achievement will be the source of happiness for the entire family. Some of you may get the chance to make romantic ties into a life-long relationship. Even a short trip is likely to rejuvenate and recharge you. It is a good time to step up your fitness routine to improve health. Avoid haste while finalising the deal for your new property. Performing some ritual or ceremony is likely to keep you occupied during the weekend.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Purple
Leo (July 23-August 23)
Love: The World
Mood: The Emperor
Career: King of Coins
It will be prudent to delegate work if you want to meet the deadlines this week. Good time to explore new investment options coming your way. Your social initiatives are likely to be a source of happiness for the entire family. Seek help to clear your doubts on the academic front to excel in examinations. A good time is indicated on the romantic front as partner may have a surprise in store for you. Yoga will immensely help in leading a satisfying and productive life. If possible, avoid a long road journey alone. Real estate is something you can rely on to invest your money this week.
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Love: The Fool
Mood: Five of Coins
Career: Two of Swords
Your efficiency and dedication are likely to open the doors of success on the professional front. Monetary gains from unplanned sources are likely to brighten your financial front. Good advice from family members will help in reducing confusion and worries. A short but sweet romantic opportunity is on the cards for those who are romantically-inclined. Travelling with a like-minded person will make the journey memorable. You may finally get a chance to enjoy a social gathering with your friends and family. Make efforts to strengthen your mental toughness to enjoy peace. Property dispute is likely to be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Grey
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Love: The Hermit
Mood: Knight of Wands
Career: Strength
Things may not be in sync on the career front. Do not be puzzled with them as you will eventually emerge as a winner. Make sure you carefully handle all financial commitments and transactions to avoid losses. You may need to make some efforts restore domestic happiness and tranquillity. Romantic partner will be very understanding and supportive during testing time. Dedicatedly following a study schedule is likely to bring an improvement in the results on the academic front. Avoid ignoring any ailment on the health front. You may have to shell out more money for the item you are keen to purchase. Pay extra attention to the safety and security of your house if planning to go out of station.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Red
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Love: Two of Coins
Mood: Devil
Career: Judgment
You are likely to be part of a prestigious venture or a project on the professional front. Those trying their luck in the stock market for the first time are likely to strike it rich. Use your spare time in the beautification of the house. You will be able to express true feelings to the person you love secretly. You are likely to be the star of the social gathering you may attend. Taking shortcuts would only harm your interest on the academic front. It is an auspicious time to organise a religious ceremony or a function at home. Those looking to rent out their property may find good tenants. A fitness tip by an expert will work wonders for you.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Love: The Fool
Mood: Six of Coins
Career: Eight of Cups
Timely support of subordinates is likely to help in completing the project within deadline at workplace. Past investments may start yielding handsome returns now. The achievement of kin or family youngster will add to the prestige of the family. Enjoying a cosy candlelight dinner with romantic partner is on the cards for some. Procrastination is likely to increase your workload on the academic front. You are likely to get an opportunity to connect with influential people in a social gather you may attend later this week. Traditional methods to improve your health and fitness are likely to work for you.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Peach
Capricorn (December 22-January 21)
Love: The Star
Mood: The Empress
Career: Three of Swords
Be careful while delegating important work on the professional front, as a misstep may prove expensive and embarrassing. Spending money for a noble cause is likely to bring much happiness to you. Someone in the family may need your guidance and counsel, so oblige them. Avoid being disheartened by setbacks on the romantic front. Streamlining study schedule is likely to improve your concentration on the academic front. Regular exercise routine will have a positive impact on your health. Forcing your opinion in your social circle will only disappoint all. Legal problems on property front will be solved with the timely help of friends.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Violet
Aquarius (January 22-February 19)
Love: Seven of Cups
Mood: Justice
Career: Two of Wands
Your position on the professional front is likely to get strengthened as seniors notice your efficiency and dedication. Drastic improvement in the financial position is indicated for some this week. Misunderstandings may crop up with spouse, so keep your cool to maintain harmony at home. Things begin to look up for some on the academic front after a brief lull. You are likely to meet a like-minded person to share inner-most feelings. Regular exercise will be your key to attain your desired physique. A fun-filled holiday to an exotic place with family on the cards for some. Plan to purchase plot or land is likely to gain momentum.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Love: The Sun
Mood: Hierophant
Career: The Lovers
Rewards and recognition are much in store for the sincere employees on the professional front. Your timely financial assistance to a needy person is likely to be reciprocated soon. Family will be supportive of your career ambitions. Faring well in an examination or test are indicated for some. Romantic front promises to be exciting as partner will be in a loving mood. Health initiatives may help in increasing your stamina and fitness. Some may get a chance to take the much-delayed vacation to the countryside. It is an auspicious time to lay the foundation of a new construction.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Orange
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