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Monday, Feb 17, 2025


leo astroYouAreSunSign

(July - August)

Leo Annual Horoscope

Overall Outlook in 2025 2025 will bring a mix of opportunities and challenges for Leo. The year will focus on growth in career and finances, although there may be some health and personal hurdles to navigate.

Love & Relationships in 2025 Relationships are expected to feel a bit slow at the start, with potential delays in marriage plans or minor issues in romance due to Saturn's position.

Career & Finances in 2025 Leo will witness significant progress in their professional life in 2025. The first half of the year, influenced by Jupiter in the 10th house, is likely to bring promotions, recognition, and career success.

Health in 2025 Health could require some attention this year, especially in the latter half when Saturn transitions to the 8th house.

Best Months of 2025 June to October will be especially favourable.

Bad Months of 2025 March, April, and November might bring some challenges.

Key Mantra for 2025: Patience and persistence pave the path to prosperity.


Leo Characteristics

  • Your Characteristics

    Leo proudly wears a topaz for luck, then pushes it too far, but he has a true inner dignity and grace that lets him carry his misfortunes with courage.
  • Your Element

    You are FIRE. It is a force that inspires you to be creative, passionate and energetic. It gives you the willpower to never give up despite all the challenges you face in life. It makes you action-oriented, decisive and optimistic. Negatively it makes you aggressive, selfish and sparks a need to be in the centre of attention.
  • Your Modality

    Fixed. For you, steadiness is the key and strength of purpose to get the job done. You are resolute, determined and stable. With persistence and the ability to concentrate you diligently and calmly work hard to cross the finishing line. However, the attitude of either my way or the highway makes you stubborn and challenging to open your ears to others.
  • Your Ruling Planet

    Sun. It helps you to be able to be proud, performative, and vital. The same way as the sun is at the epicentre it puts you at the centre of life and in the middle of families and communities. You are courageous, often dramatic and an artist who loves to be in the limelight. However, you have a strong well-developed sense of self.
  • Best Traits

    You are extremely astute. You will always live in style as you hate dark and boredom. Pride and ego are your trademarks and you live your life with commanding air and a stately attitude. The lion in you finds a way to get the limelight. It's hard to sway you from a set path. But when a real emergency falls on Leo's strong shoulders, he'll carry it lightly and never shirks his duty, helping the defenceless, protecting the frightened.
  • Worst Traits

    Your vanity and pride are your Achilles' heel. Lack of respect blinds you with rage and may make you incapable of a balanced judgment. The fiery pride is so disastrous that it causes plenty of shattered love affairs and marriages. You always tend to put yourself above others and are considered dominant.
  • Best Career

    Your love for teaching and being recognised for your accomplishments. That is why you may end up as an educator, politician or corporate leader. Most lions are excellent organizers and perfect geniuses at delegating authority and communication. the role of inspirational leadership, and positive power, will likely be most fulfilling. Fine art or fashion designing are other fields where you folks may be naturally drawn.


NewsAstrologyHoroscopeLeo 2025 Horoscope