New Delhi150C
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025


scorpio astroYouAreSunSign

(October - November)

Scorpio Annual Horoscope

Overall Outlook in 2025: 2025 is a year of transformation and opportunities for Scorpio natives. While Saturn's transit brings some challenges, Jupiter's influence ensures moments of progress and growth.

Love & Relationships in 2025: Your relationships will experience significant shifts this year. Saturn’s presence in the 7th house until March brings opportunities for reconnecting with past partners or strengthening existing bonds.

Career & Finances in 2025: Your professional life is set to see ups and downs in 2025. After May, as Jupiter moves into the 8th house, financial planning becomes crucial.

Health in 2025: Health remains a sensitive area this year. With Saturn in the 8th house from March onward, there might be minor health concerns or stress-related issues.

Best Months of 2025: January, February, and April are favourable months.

Bad Months of 2025: June, August, and October could be challenging.

Key Mantra for 2025: Stay adaptable and patient.


Scorpio Characteristics

  • Your Element

    You are WATER. As a free-flowing river, you are emotional and nurturing and run deep. Basing all your actions on emotions rather than logic. You are most compassionate and understanding as your receptive talent is remarkably high. You desire artistic beauty, are highly intuitive, want everyone to be happy and most fulfilled when you see others happy. It too makes you moody and suspicious.
  • Your Modality

    Fixed. For you, steadiness is the key and strength of purpose to get the job done. You are resolute, determined and stable. With persistence and the ability to concentrate you diligently and calmly work hard to cross the finishing line. However, the attitude of either my way or the highway makes you stubborn and challenging to open your ears to others.
  • Your Ruling Planet

    Mars. It is the planet of war, desire, aggression and competition. Sounds scary, but think of him as the mitochondria among the organelles of our solar system. Mars is our hot blood when it’s gone time. He inspires the kind of work that fulfils our deepest passions. Deceptiveness and deviousness are entirely foreign to Mars nature.
  • Best Traits

    You simply know what you want and aren't afraid to work hard to get it. You are emotional. Your inner strength helps you brave any challenge. But you can destroy your body with excesses, melancholy or hard work.
  • Worst Traits

    You are intimidating and extremely secretive. You hate change and can be paralysed if someone denies being like you. So basically, you are a control freak who always owns the remote control. As you hate defeat, you are considered sore losers. Being highly revengeful, you even try finding ways to destroy an enemy.
  • Best Career

    You move up the ladder slowly but surely, waiting for your turn and taking the right step at the perfect time. You can be a politician or a television star, an undertaker or a bartender, but you'll manage to top all your competitors.


NewsAstrologyHoroscopeScorpio 2025 Horoscope