scorpio astroYouAreSunSign
(October - November)Overall Outlook in 2025: 2025 is a year of transformation and opportunities for Scorpio natives. While Saturn's transit brings some challenges, Jupiter's influence ensures moments of progress and growth.
Love & Relationships in 2025: Your relationships will experience significant shifts this year. Saturn’s presence in the 7th house until March brings opportunities for reconnecting with past partners or strengthening existing bonds.
Career & Finances in 2025: Your professional life is set to see ups and downs in 2025. After May, as Jupiter moves into the 8th house, financial planning becomes crucial.
Health in 2025: Health remains a sensitive area this year. With Saturn in the 8th house from March onward, there might be minor health concerns or stress-related issues.
Best Months of 2025: January, February, and April are favourable months.
Bad Months of 2025: June, August, and October could be challenging.
Key Mantra for 2025: Stay adaptable and patient.