New Delhi150C
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025


taurus astroYouAreSunSign

(April - May)

Taurus Annual Horoscope

Overall Outlook: 2025 promises balance and growth for Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn transitions will bring financial gains, improved relationships, and steady personal progress.

Love & Relationships: The first half will foster emotional stability and deeper bonds. After May, family happiness takes center stage, strengthening connections.

Career & Finances: Professional success dominates early 2025, with financial gains and fulfilled aspirations highlighted post-March.

Health: Health remains stable; manage stress through exercise and meditation. Be mindful of eye-related issues later in the year.

Best Months of 2025: April, May, and August will be your standout months

Bad Months of 2025: January, June, and November might bring some challenges


taurus characteristics

  • Your Characteristics

    His home is his castle-and let no man disturb the peace of the bull. Taurus is as patient as time itself, as deep as the forest, with a dependable strength that can move mountains. But he's stubborn.
  • Your Element

    You are EARTH. Which makes you grounded, practical and dependable. You won’t take many risks, rather prefer a sure thing. For you, creation is a tangible proposition and materialistic pleasures make you happy. It confers on you a sense of duty, responsibility, and reliabilty. However, the elements also make you stubborn and at times lazy.
  • Your Modality

    Fixed. For you, steadiness is the key and strength of purpose to get the job done. You are resolute, determined and stable. With persistence and the ability to concentrate you diligently and calmly work hard to cross the finishing line. However, the attitude of either my-way or the highway makes you stubborn and challenging to open your ears to others.
  • Your Ruling Planet

    Venus. It gives them the power to be drawn to creating, accumulating, and enjoying the earthly gifts and bounties like good food and artistic treasures. With a lot of patience, friendliness, pleasure and dedication they create interesting crafts and build genuine relationships.
  • Best Traits

    You are the sustainers, who will make sure the projects and relationships you are a part of prospering. Being termed as the builders you can be resourceful, productive, and consistent. You have an intangible, elusive bovine quality about you. It’s not your nature to be nervous or twitchy type. You are a homely person and would go to any extent for family.
  • Worst Traits

    Taurean temper is seldom displayed impulsively, but when the bull gets mad, he can destroy everything. Stubbornness and hard-headedness are traits you will always deny and wonder why the world is so unjust. Change upsets you. It’s hard to forgive and forget for you. You are overtly attached to ideas and situations which only leads to complacency.
  • Best Career

    There are Taurean engineers, movie stars, clerks, gardeners, kings and queens, chimney sweeps, butchers, bakers and candle-' stick makers. Your brain may calculate like lightning, but your decisions are made slowly and carefully. Making you sign a deal isn’t easy. You are hands-on and resourceful.


NewsAstrologyHoroscopeTaurus 2025 Horoscope