Articles by Ashish Kothari
Two poll manifestos, two different mindsets
As India gears up for history’s biggest-ever elections, it is important to enquire about the mindset of its two biggest parties — the Congress and the BJP

Published on Apr 17, 2024 10:06 PM IST
Ladakh turns restive over unkept promises
With talks between the Ladakhi leadership and the Union government failing, Wangchuk has started a fast unto death, and the region is heating up again.

Published on Mar 19, 2024 09:50 PM IST
On rights, the Congress manifesto scores over the BJP
The mere mention of rights could end up being a formality, especially if people are not empowered to defend them

Updated on Apr 17, 2019 09:39 AM IST
India’s commitment to carbon cuts needs to be more detailed
What India, China, the US and some others have promised on carbon emission cut needs to have more depth.

Updated on Oct 22, 2015 09:35 PM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari and Nagraj Adve
Modi as India's PM is a cause for worry for environmentalists
Narendra Modi as India’s prime minister will be a development disaster. In Gujarat, his tenure as chief minister has seen worsening or stagnation of the health and livelihood prospects of the poor, and widespread ecological damage.

Updated on Mar 31, 2014 01:48 AM IST
Hindustan Times | , New Delhi
Ashish KothariAAP can take several steps to inspire confidence
AAP's explicit bent towards democratic, clean, just policies, is going to be tested to its limits. It would be a mistake to expect a miraculous transformation, but there are several steps that AAP could take to inspire confidence.

Updated on Jan 13, 2014 09:41 PM IST
Hindustan Times | , New Delhi
Ashish KothariSafeguard economy by reversing present form of globalisation
If we want to save ourselves from periodic shocks, we need to reverse the form of globalisation. Why should we face economic woes if Republicans and Democrats in America can’t get their act together? Ashish Kothari writes.

Updated on Oct 17, 2013 01:59 AM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari
Myth of the great Indian growth
India’s fabled growth story has just been exposed by an unlikely source — the World Bank (WB). Unlikely, because this institution is one of those most responsible for advocating economic growth as the pillar of development. Ashish Kothari reports.

Updated on Aug 01, 2013 01:36 AM IST
Hindustan Times | , New Delhi
Ashish KothariOut of the darkness into the light
Today we celebrate the Earth Hour. It signifies humanity's resolve to do something for the planet. People are expected to switch lights off for an hour, reduce load on the power grid and, therefore, its impact on global warming. Every year, according to its promoters, more and more people are becoming a part of this global 'exercise'.

Updated on Mar 30, 2012 11:07 PM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari and Gyan Kothari
Quiet revolutions
While it is true that the world is facing ecological collapse, certain counter-trends in 2012 can lead to transformation in the next few years, writes Ashish Kothari.

Updated on Jan 01, 2012 09:30 PM IST
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Ashish Kothari
Schumacher vs Schumacher
The ideas of EF Schumacher challenge society’s obsession with size and speed, writes Ashish Kothari.

Updated on Nov 06, 2011 10:34 PM IST
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Ashish Kothari
Orientation problem
The plan panel's draft paper on the 12th Five-Year Plan fails to harmonise development with environmental concerns, writes Ashish Kothari.

Updated on Oct 03, 2011 01:06 AM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari
Pay the rich, for the rich
The starkly disproportionate response of the government, media and the public to the two babas on fast over the last few days is symptomatic of a deep malaise in our democratic set-up. Ashish Kothari writes.

Updated on Nov 20, 2011 11:49 AM IST
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Ashish Kothari
Hawking our habitats
The two most important national level committees responsible for wildlife conservation in India are increasingly being turned into rubber stamps for whatever officialdom wants done. Ashish Kothari writes.

Updated on Nov 20, 2011 11:35 AM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari
Beyond the benchmarks
The UN Panel on Global Sustainability has to go beyond technical solutions, writes Ashish Kothari.

Updated on Mar 06, 2011 12:35 PM IST
Hindustan Times |
Ashish Kothari
Rejig the power structure
Ministries must delegate powers to grassroots agencies to safeguard forestland, writes Ashish Kothari.

Updated on Jun 22, 2010 11:34 PM IST
Hindustan Times | , New Delhi
Ashish KothariNo deviations, please
Many development projects have been opposed by local communities and the green lobby. But for the most part these protests were brushed aside, even by the courts. Ashish Kothari examines.

Updated on Aug 26, 2009 08:46 PM IST
Miss the trees for the wood
The Tribal Forest Rights Bill is back, and again creating ripples of alarm amongst environmentalists, writes Ashish Kothari.

Published on Jun 20, 2006 12:09 AM IST
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Ashish Kothari
Involving communities in conservation ? a lost opportunity
The history of conservation of natural resources has been strewn with conflicts between the state and local communities.

Updated on Mar 30, 2004 10:35 PM IST
Neema Pathak, Ashish Kothari and Shantha Bhushan