Articles by HT Archives
From the Archives: ‘Cow is cheaper to keep than buffalo', writes Mahatma Gandhi
“As a layman, I have always hazarded the opinion that the cow is cheaper to keep at any rate in the long run”, Mahatma Gandhi wrote in Harijan.

Published on Oct 01, 2023 08:36 AM IST
‘Hindu-Muslim unity an integral part of Indian nationhood’, says Gandhiji at AMU
Gandhiji said that Sir Syed Ahmed rightly regarded the Hindus and Mohamedans the two eyes of a fair maiden.

Updated on Oct 01, 2023 08:33 AM IST
‘Emulate Sita and Savitri, be courageous’, Gandhi's advice to Hindu women
Gandhiji also told Hindu women- because they enjoyed more freedom than their Muslim sisters- to mix with Muslim women so that mutual understanding might grow.

Published on Oct 01, 2023 08:05 AM IST
From the Archives: Mahatma Gandhi on ‘right’ way to deal with Hitler
“I am certain that if Chamberlain suggests to the powers simultaneously to disarm, this heroic act would open Herr Hitler's eyes and disarm him" Gandhi said.

Published on Sep 30, 2023 08:12 PM IST
Gandhiji on child marriages, dowry and untouchability
Gandhiji said there should be no possibility of child widows. He was averse to child marriage.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 03:57 PM IST
From the Archives: Mahatma Gandhi on how caste Hindus can help Harijans
Gandhiji said,"The first thing is for everyone to understand the implications of the removal of untouchability in his or her own life".
![Mahatma Gandhi collecting donations for the Harijan Fund (Assam), circa 1945. Beginning the late 1930s, Gandhi was also signing his photographs for auctioning, so that money raised could be used for the Harijan movement. “Do rupiya ek bar”, he [Gandhi] would say, the floor price is two rupees,” writes Ramachandra Guha in ‘Gandhi: The Years That Changed The World.’ (National Gandhi Museum) Mahatma Gandhi collecting donations for the Harijan Fund (Assam), circa 1945. Beginning the late 1930s, Gandhi was also signing his photographs for auctioning, so that money raised could be used for the Harijan movement. “Do rupiya ek bar”, he [Gandhi] would say, the floor price is two rupees,” writes Ramachandra Guha in ‘Gandhi: The Years That Changed The World.’ (National Gandhi Museum)](
Updated on Sep 30, 2023 03:58 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘No room for communalism in Congress’, says Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhiji said that while they were engaged in trying to quench the fire of communal strife in their own country, they must not forget their countrymen abroad.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:10 PM IST
Interview: Gandhiji reveals why he chose Wardha
Mahatma Gandhi said,"Gujarat's too commercialised for doing spade work with a better prospect of success than elsewhere in this direction".

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:13 PM IST
‘Treat Harijans as your brothers’, Mahatma Gandhi's advice to students
One student said that as their fathers were government servants, they were afraid to join the anti-untouchability movement, not political work.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:14 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Banish untouchability from hearts’, appeals Mahatma Gandhi
An earnest plea for the removal of untouchability was made by Mahatma Gandhi speaking during evening prayers.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:14 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Improper to question efficacy of non-violence’, says Gandhi
“Today, irreligion is stalking the country in the name of religion”, Mahatma Gandhi said.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:15 PM IST
From the Archives: Gandhiji deplores disappearance of Swadeshi
Gandhiji reminded the audience of how a pile had been made of foreign cloth in the early days of the movement and a huge bonfire was made of costly saris etc

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 04:21 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘No Swaraj without unity’, says Gandhiji
Gandhiji, replying said, he saw unfortunately the political atmosphere in India was becoming surcharged with distrust and suspicion.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 08:52 AM IST
From the Archives: ‘Charkha is a symbol of non-violence’, says Gandhiji
Years ago when Gandhi first started talking of 'charkha,' he did not know that it was still a living industry in Punjab and some parts of Gujarat Kathiawar.

Published on Sep 30, 2023 12:06 AM IST
From the Archives: Mahatma Gandhi on value of ‘ahimsa’, hard discipline
"The greatest enmity requires an equal measure of ahimsa for its abetment”, Mahatma Gandhi said.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 11:59 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Dominion in action’, says Mahatma Gandhi
"I can wait for Dominion Status Constitution" writes Mahatma Gandhi in Young India.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 11:50 PM IST
From the Archives: Gandhiji on the meaning of independence
“In a well-ordered democratic society there is no room, no occasion for lawlessness or strikes”, Mahatma Gandhi said.

Updated on Sep 29, 2023 11:41 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Treat minorities fairly’, Gandhi's advice to Hindus
“The British will make of us two nations and that with a flourish of trumpets. Is that to be the parting shot? I hope not”, Mahatma Gandhi said.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 11:26 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Driving out Muslims will ruin Hinduism’, says Gandhiji
Gandhiji expressed sorrow at the recrudescence of trouble in Delhi, even though it was on a very minor scale.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 11:16 PM IST
From the Archives: Mahatma Gandhi pays tribute to Bose
But Mahatma Gandhi would not forget that it was Subhas Babu who knew no provincialism nor communal differences.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 11:07 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘No place for English in free India’, declares Gandhiji
The proper and unrivalled place of English was as an international medium, Mahatma Gandhi added.

Published on Sep 29, 2023 10:47 PM IST
From the Archives: ‘Treat bomb-thrower with pity’, says Mahatma Gandhi
Hinduism could be saved only by Gandhiji's method. Gandhiji had practised Hinduism from early childhood.

Updated on Sep 30, 2023 09:28 AM IST