Munieshwer A Sagar

Munieshwer A Sagar is a principal correspondent at Chandigarh and reports on real estate.

Articles by Munieshwer A Sagar

Chandigarh MC to lease out its gyms to private players

Most of these gyms have remained closed since construction as the civic body failed to devise a policy or workable model to run these

Of 42 community centres under the Chandigarh MC, 28 have gyms, which were constructed at an average cost ranging from <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>7 lakh to <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>25 lakh, depending on the equipment installed. The gyms at the modern community centres of Sector 37 and 38 were built at a cost of <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>5 crore each. (HT File)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 01:53 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

CHB committee in favour of lifts, other relaxations in its dwelling units

Allowing internal changes within a house, lifts in multi-storey apartments, additional area coverage and more flexibility in façade of independent houses are some of the relaxations in the offering for more than 65,000 Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) residential units

The CHB committee, set up to examine requests for further need-based changes in its residential units, concluded its proceedings on Tuesday and is expected to submit its report to the CHB board of directors within this week. (HT FIle)
Published on Jun 08, 2022 01:48 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh Master Plan- 2031: Work for turning Vikas Marg into city’s 3rd commercial corridor starts

The administration, after nearly seven years of dormancy, has finally initiated the work to implement the Chandigarh Master Plan – 2031 vision for creating a commercial corridor on Vikas Marg, V2 road.

The other two commercial corridors in Chandigarh are on the Madhya Marg and Dakshin Marg. (HT Photo)
Published on Jun 07, 2022 01:50 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Unsold freehold Chandigarh MC properties to go under the hammer

Chandigarh MC initiates process to auction commercial & institutional properties that were converted from leasehold to freehold; 200 units up for grabs in first lot

Chandigarh MC is all set to auction properties, converted from leasehold to freehold. (HT File)
Updated on Jun 06, 2022 02:05 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Plans afoot to revamp Chandigarh’s Sector-11 market

Visualised by the Chandigarh Master Plan-2031, the overhaul is aimed at making neighbourhood markets age inclusive and hubs of community interaction

The area in front of the Sector-11 shops will be made totally traffic free and sub-grade roads for vehicles will be provided in addition to an underground community parking. (HT File Photo)
Updated on Jun 03, 2022 03:25 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh MC doubles property tax earnings from last fiscal for April-May period

Chandigarh MC commissioner credits reconciliation with government departments in clearing dues, updated database, identification of new structures for jump in property tax earnings

Chandigarh MC’s property tax earnings jumped to <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>48 crore from  <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>24 crore from last fiscal. (HT File)
Updated on Jun 01, 2022 11:13 PM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh industrialists decry exclusion from deadline extension for property tax payments with rebate

Chandigarh administration had extended the deadline for property tax payment with rebate till July 31 from original May 31, but said it was only for residential and commercial categories

Chandigarh industrialists decried their exclusion from deadline extension for property tax payments with rebate. (HT File)
Published on Jun 01, 2022 02:36 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh | 10% parking space, boxes at signals: Draft policy puts cyclists first

The policy hopes to push cycling as a preferred alternative to driving for sustainable urban travel. Officials will take up the draft policy with different stakeholders

Provision for cycle boxes at all traffic signals, 10% dedicated parking space in buildings, and a large number of bays are some of the stand-out features of Chandigarh Smart City Ltd’s draft Cycling Policy, which prioritises cyclists in traffic management schemes. (Representative Image/HT File)
Published on May 30, 2022 02:58 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Soon, private firms to take up green cover maintenance in Chandigarh

At present, parks are either maintained by the civic body or resident welfare associations (RWAs).The MC General House on Friday green-lighted the proposal to hire private contractors to maintain 1,800 neighbourhood parks in the city, of which 713 are at present being maintained by RWAs, while the civic body looks after around 100 large parks

The municipal corporation will soon be handing over maintenance of parks and green areas in the Union territory to private firms. Initially, the MC will adopt the model in one sector of the city on trial basis. (Keshav Singh/HT)
Updated on May 28, 2022 02:48 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

May 31 rebate deadline nearing, but 66% owners yet to pay property tax in Chandigarh

Over 64% of the residential property owners and around 67% commercial property owners in Chandigarh have yet to pay the tax.

There are around 1.36-lakh property tax assessees in Chandigarh. (HT)
Published on May 24, 2022 03:44 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh MC set to cut garbage cess on shops by up to 80%

The Chandigarh MC is set to introduce slabs for different categories of businesses rather than one flat rate of ₹500 applicable on all types of establishments

The rates vary between <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>100 and <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>600 per floor across various slabs, the lowest for general trade shops (dry waste) in booths and highest for small eateries, spas, salons, etc (wet waste) in two-bay shops. (HT File Photo)
Published on May 23, 2022 12:30 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh admn gets cracking to utilise Urban Development Fund

The fee collected from conversion of properties from leasehold to freehold is deposited in the Urban Development Fund and can be used for different development projects in the city

For more than a decade now, the Urban Development Fund has remained untouched in the absence of a framework for the procedure to use it. (Getty Images)
Published on May 21, 2022 03:35 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Slum-free Chandigarh: The way forward

Capital of two states, Chandigarh has to mostly get along without any help when it comes to rehabilitating the displaced slum dwellers. Those who get no alternative housing, often find themselves in worse living conditions, leading to new slum formations elsewhere. Experts share the holistic approach that can tackle the vicious cycle of slums

According to Rajnish Wattas, former principal of the Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh needs to manage the tough balancing act of wisely using the scarce vacant land for rehabilitation and also realising that it cannot be a permanent solution for wave after wave of migrant workers moving to the city. (HT File)
Published on May 20, 2022 02:24 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh’s horticulture, plastic waste to be processed at new integrated plant

Chandigarh MC is planning to process its horticulture waste at the proposed city-level integrated solid waste processing plant, for which a request for proposal document is being prepared

Chandigarh generates around 8 tonnes of horticultural waste per day, but it goes up to 80 tonnes per day during spring and autumn, when trees shed leaves. (HT Photo)
Published on May 18, 2022 02:35 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Slumisation of Chandigarh: Flawed plan, political backing aided growth of slums

Post-1967, there was a major spurt in construction activity in Chandigarh and hundreds of construction workers were brought in. But there was no plan for housing them, which led to coming up of temporary shelters, which soon expanded to slums

Experts point at flaws in Chandigarh’s original plan, a governance process paralysed by ad hocism, the slum economics and politico-bureaucratic nexus as some of the causes of slumisation of Chandigarh. (Sant Arora /HT)
Published on May 16, 2022 02:13 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Slumisation of Chandigarh: A bugbear that’s hard to tame

Despite establishment of many rehabilitation colonies, Chandigarh is still struggling to rein in the growing slums; while the administration removes one slum, another crops up somewhere else

In the background of demolition of a slum in one area, smaller slum clusters erupt elsewhere in Chandigarh. (HT File Photo)
Published on May 13, 2022 01:52 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Year on, Chandigarh MC yet to pick contractor for stray dog sterilisation project

Residents complained about the increasing dog-bite incidents and MC’s poor record in the stray dog sterilisation project

Chandigarh MC has failed to award the contract of the stray dog sterilisation project for a year. (HT Photo)
Updated on May 12, 2022 01:27 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Industrial research centre to be set up in Chandigarh

The regional research-cum-testing centre in Chandigarh will primarily help the industry in quality control and creation of newer products in line with global standards

The research centre in Chandigarh is proposed to come up on the Punjab Engineering College campus in collaboration with IIT Ropar and Central Scientific Instruments Organisation. (HT File)
Updated on May 10, 2022 12:55 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh works out new plan to double its exports by 2026

The plan formulated under the aegis of director general of foreign trade, Government of India, aims to increase the city’s exports from ₹558 crore (in 2020-21) to ₹1,100 crore by 2026

Chandigarh export promotion plan proposes certain products, such as needles, auto parts, tractors parts and information technology/ information technology-enabled services, to be the focus for export promotion from the city. (HT File)
Published on May 09, 2022 01:46 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh seeks restoration of posts deemed abolished during Covid pandemic

UT departments may face staff shortages in case the restoration of posts deemed abolished is not carried out: Chandigarh employees will also have reduced chances of promotions in such a scenario

Chandigarh administration wrote to Union ministry of home affairs and sough the restoration of posts deemed abolished during Covid pandemic. (HT File)
Published on May 07, 2022 12:40 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh’s policy pangs: Endless wait for concrete tenancy reforms continues

For seven years, the Chandigarh administration has been working on the overhaul of the archaic law governing tenant-landlord relations in Chandigarh while disputes multiplied and landlords became more insecure about renting out properties, further causing dearth of housing supply and pushing rents up

The slow-grinding policy formulation machinery of the Chandigarh administration, which started the process for an updated Tenancy Act nearly seven years ago, has yet to effect the reforms. (HT)
Updated on May 05, 2022 02:12 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Field staff to be held accountable if new encroachments crop up in Chandigarh

Chandigarh adviser Dharam Pal says he has put everybody on alert that no encroachment must come up anywhere in the city

The Chandigarh adviser’s directions come days after the administration demolished 2,500 illegal shanties at Colony Number 4 on Sunday and recovered 65 acres of government land. (HT Photo)
Updated on May 05, 2022 02:12 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh Policy Pangs | Leasehold to freehold policy blueprint remains on paper

While a conversion policy for residential properties exists since 2017, that for sold commercial units has been hanging fire for three decades, leaving Chandigarh’s business and industrial community struggling with a web of troubles

Nearly 70% commercial and industrial plots in the city are leasehold, allowing occupation for a limited period, mostly 99 years, with government agencies holding the ownership rights. (HT Photo)
Published on May 04, 2022 02:02 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Non-payment of entry fee: Chandigarh admn slaps show-case notices on Uber, Ola

The entry fee is to be paid by Uber and Ola taxis, which are registered in Punjab and Haryana, when they enter Chandigarh

Uber and Ola were granted aggregator licence to operate taxi services in Chandigarh under UT’s On-Demand Transportation Technology Aggregators Rules, 2017. (HT File Photo)
Published on May 03, 2022 04:03 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh’s policy pangs: Electric vehicle policy stuck in the slow lane

Four years after the Chandigarh administration took on the ambitious task of completely switching to electric vehicles by 2030 after making them mainstream in the city, it is still busy tying up the loose ends of the policy in this regard

From just 27 electric vehicle registrations with the Registering and Licensing Authority, Chandigarh, in 2017, the number went up to 1,021 in 2021. (Shutterstock)
Published on May 02, 2022 02:45 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh administration bulldozes Colony Number 4

Chandigarh administration moves closer to making the city slum-free by vacating around 65 acres of government land worth ₹2,000 crore

Some 2,500-odd shanties that had cropped up at Colony Number 4 in Chandigarh over the past 50 years were reduced to rubble after the administration’s demolition drive on Sunday. (Keshav Singh/HT)
Updated on May 02, 2022 02:51 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh’s policy pangs: A rocky start to startup policy

First conceptualised in 2018, the Chandigarh Startup Policy continues to hang in the balance four years later, with the UT administration repeatedly going back and forth between a city-specific policy and following central govt’s norms

Once being promoted as an IT hub, Chandigarh has been lagging behind neighbouring cities, particularly Mohali, in terms of attracting new talent and setting up industrial units. (Getty Images)
Published on May 01, 2022 02:32 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

AAP’s fissures spill out at Chandigarh MC House meeting

Two AAP factions battle it out over allotment of mechanised cleaning of Chandigarh’s southern sectors to Lions Company

Councillors arguing during the monthly MC House meeting at the MC Office in Sector 17, Chandigarh, on Saturday. (Ravi Kumar/HT)
Published on May 01, 2022 02:32 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

24x7 water supply in Chandigarh: Originally left out, 13 villages to also be part of project

Deductions in other areas make surplus funds available to extend project to the 13 villages, says Chandigarh municipal commissioner

Now all features of the project, including 24x7 water supply, smart metering and modernised piped water supply, will be provided at these 13 villages on the same scale as Chandigarh’s sectors. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Published on Apr 30, 2022 01:41 AM IST
By, Chandigarh

Chandigarh | Parking policy stuck in first gear

A top-heavy Chandigarh administration has time and again shown that it struggles with policy formulation. In this multi-part series, Hindustan Times examines key policies that await implementation despite being notified and those that remain on the drawing board stage even after several years have passed.

Chandigarh was designed for a population of five lakh but now, it has grown to over 12 lakh, and so has its vehicle density. (Ravi Kumar/HT)
Published on Apr 29, 2022 01:37 AM IST
By, Chandigarh
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