Articles by Niranjan Sahoo
On marriage equality, pointers from Bangkok
While the US rolls back LGBTQ+ protections, Thailand legally recognizes same-sex marriage, granting couples equal rights and celebrating a historic milestone.

Updated on Feb 05, 2025 10:59 PM IST
Pandian, pride and BJP’s path to power in Odisha
The unprecedented verdict in Odisha is a telling reminder not to take the voters for granted.

Published on Jun 05, 2024 01:34 AM IST
In Odisha, visible progress up against intangible pride
The 2024 election outcome has clear ramifications for Patnaik’s 24-year legacy and the survival of the BJD as a strong regional outfit.

Published on May 20, 2024 01:23 AM IST
India’s federal balance collapsed in the second wave
While there were a set of complex reasons for such a weak response, a contributory factor was also the breakdown of Centre-state cooperation. While this cooperation was instrumental to the successes in first wave, as infections exploded, the Centre and the states blamed each other

Published on Jul 09, 2021 05:24 PM IST
Proposing a new governance structure for Delhi
A two-tier structure, with elected municipalities for each city district, which share power in a regional government with central representatives, can be a viable model

Updated on Mar 31, 2021 05:53 PM IST
On Delhi, the Centre’s move goes against the spirit of federalism
In short, the principle of subsidiarity demands that India’s national government take some cues from global trends and cede more powers to the city government in capital territory. The current bill by the Centre not only betrays the concept of “cooperative federalism” often espoused by the Union government, but will further complicate governance in India’s fastest growing mega-city.

Published on Mar 17, 2021 08:45 PM IST
Can statehood solve Delhi’s problems?
Governments across the world are reluctant to cede power to the city-capitals, but with Delhi being larger than many states in India, it needs to have a relook at its relationship with Centre

Updated on Jun 12, 2018 01:05 PM IST