Padma Shastri

Padma is a Special Correspondent and looks after Central govt and political parties. She has special interest in local history of Indore and Malwa region, art and architecture.

Articles by Padma Shastri

A bus ride can help you breathe easy... here’s how

Indore has moved its commuters from private vehicles to public buses and in the process, it’s air is a lot cleaner and it’s making money too. Padma Shastri reports.

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Updated on Jun 05, 2009 10:40 AM IST
None | By, Indore

A breathtaking waste

Labourers in Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, risk contracting an incurable lung disease to make slate pencils — which are then used as a front for an illicit trade in opium, reports Padma Shastri.

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Updated on Jun 01, 2009 12:17 AM IST
Hindustan Times | By, Indore

Cong has vision to run India, says Sonia

"To run the country, vision and dedication is needed and only Congress has this. So help us form a new India,” Congress president Sonia Gandhi appealed at a public meeting in Rajgarh on Thursday. Padma Shastri and Sandeep Vatsa report.

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Updated on Apr 24, 2009 02:31 AM IST
Hindustan Times | ByPadma Shastri and Sandeep Vatsa, Rajgarh (ujjain)

Indore man finds wife’s grave missing

NATALIE FERNANDES (25.12.1953-22.09.2003): that’s what the cross on the grave should have read. But on Easter Sunday, when Francis Fernandes visited his wife’s grave at the Juni Indore graveyard with fresh flowers, he got the shock of his life. The cross was missing. In its place was a brand new wooden cross with no details — and a fresh grave. Padma Shastri reports.

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Updated on Apr 16, 2009 01:45 AM IST
Hindustan Times | By, Indore

Get a taste of China, try some silkworm pickle

It may sound annoying for die-hard vegetarians but the Madhya Pradesh Silk Federation, a sister organisation of the state’s sericulture department, has developed silkworm pupae recipes, reports Padma Shastri.

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Updated on Feb 24, 2009 12:56 AM IST
Hindustan Times | By, Indore

Flag row: warrant out against Aamir Khan

A court in Indore has issued an arrest warrant against Aamir Khan in a case related to insulting the national flag, reports Padma Shastri.

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Updated on Oct 25, 2007 02:11 AM IST
None | By, Indore

First radio cabs to be introduced in Indore

Indore Divisional Traffic Committee is planning to introduce 50 radio cabs in the city, reports Padma Shastri.

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Updated on Apr 08, 2007 12:50 AM IST
None | By, Indore

Medha points out the failure of Govt's rehabilitation policy

Medha Patkar wants that Govt should not allow gates to be erected upto 138.68 mtrs of the SSP dam wall, reports Padma Shastri.

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Published on Jan 25, 2007 08:53 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Guddu indicted for land abuse

INDORE-BASED Congress MLA of Alot Premchand Guddu has been found guilty of land abuse in the report on Bakhtawar Ram Nagar Colony situated at Pipaliyahana. The land in question costs about Rs 20 crore.

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Published on Dec 31, 2006 01:35 AM IST
None | By, Indore

Co-op society for the benefit of a few

SARVANAND GRAH Nirman Sahkari Sanstha is an account of how narrow, powerful elite in tandem with government machinery, operate co-operative institutions for personal enrichment.

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Published on Nov 29, 2006 12:20 AM IST
None | By, Indore

WCD dragging feet over action

MORE THAN two months after the Indore bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court pointed out that the appointments made on the post of Assistant Grade I in 1998 in the Department of Women and Child Development were ?not in conformity with the rules?, the Department has taken no action saying, ?We are still looking into the matter.?

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Published on Nov 25, 2006 05:10 PM IST
None | ByPadma Shastri and Nivedita Khandekar, Indore

One man?s unending ?labour? for justice

A DIESEL generator operator-cum-fitter with Indore Malwa United Mills between 1982-1991, who claims to have been wrongfully terminated, is still running from pillar to post for justice six years after a High Court judgement reinstating him and despite President of India?s office ordering local authorities to redress the grievance.

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Published on Nov 02, 2006 04:27 PM IST
None | By, Indore

No more drab & bare schoolrooms now

RURAL ENGINEERING Services (RES) and village government schools. Both conjure up images of filthy places manned by corrupt and incompetent staff.

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Published on Sep 03, 2006 01:23 PM IST
None | By, Indore

EGS school teachers swindled funds?

A VILLAGE teacher at an education guarantee school constructed a two-room school building, painted it and even fenced it. The building began to leak, the wall plaster came off and the tiles he had plastered, too, came off during the rains.

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Published on Aug 29, 2006 01:26 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Probe report has many loopholes

DISTRICT PANCHAYAT Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ashutosh Avasthi has been given a clean chit by Additional Collector Rameshwar Gupta in the inquiry conducted against him following suicide committed an employee of his office Shahid Khan on April 9, 2006. But the inquiry has left many questions unanswered.

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Published on Jul 23, 2006 04:57 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Probe report has many loopholes

DISTRICT PANCHAYAT Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ashutosh Avasthi has been given a clean chit by Additional Collector Rameshwar Gupta in the inquiry conducted against him following suicide committed an employee of his office Shahid Khan on April 9, 2006. But the inquiry has left many questions unanswered.

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Published on Jul 23, 2006 04:57 PM IST
None | By, Indore

State, NBA climb down on dam

BOTH SIDES involved in the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) imbroglio ? the State Government and Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) ? seem to be moving closer to a rapprochement having realised the futility of their adamant stands.

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Published on Jun 08, 2006 03:58 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Kala Pathak: Pool of talent is about to dry up

A DECADE after the State Government declared post of Kala Pathak artiste a dying cadre, its last group of artistes, who are government employees, are worried whether Pathak would survive with contractual artistes in future and whether it would attract the talent it presently boasts.

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Published on Jun 03, 2006 03:10 PM IST
None | By, Indore

State to sell unused industrial estates

IN A bid to find more productive use for its assets, State Government will sell off all earmarked, underdeveloped and unsold industrial estates of MP to private developers.

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Published on May 29, 2006 08:05 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Tribal eves seek justice under Indian legal system

SUPPRESSED SINCE generations, tribal women have raised a demand to bring their customary laws under Indian legal system after making required amendments so that they could demand justice based on them.

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Published on May 19, 2006 01:30 PM IST
None | By, Indore

NPC move to return to Indian roots

IN A bid to arouse Indian self-esteem and redefine country?s productivity movement, National Productivity Council (NPC) is working out a plan to promote Vedic and traditional methods of agriculture, bio diversity, energy generation, environment conservation that could enhance productivity in rural areas, generate employment and at the same time are sustainable.

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Published on May 01, 2006 11:23 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Purity makes this musician a class apart

WORLD POP icons Madonna, Sting, Biesty Bobby hold him in admiration. So did composer David Diamond. World-renowned classicists Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Vilayat Khan, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi find his recitals inspiring enough to send notes of commendation.

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Published on Apr 13, 2006 12:24 PM IST
None | By, Indore

12 pc hike in district excise revenue

REGISTERING AN increase of 12.09 per cent in its earnings, the District Excise Department has earned a revenue of Rs 136.50 crore in 2005-06 from licence renewal of liquor outlets and disposal of country liquor and foreign liquor shops through tender process. This is against Rs 120.92 crore raked in during 2004-05.

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Published on Apr 01, 2006 11:39 PM IST
None | By, Indore

HC grants bail to Anju Shah

THE INDORE bench of MP High Court comprising Justice S C Vyas has granted bail to the suspended Superintendent of the local Women Rescue Home Anju Shah on the ground that the offence punishable under Section 376 (2) of IPC, that is, sexual act by a public servant with a woman in custody, cannot be made out against her.

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Published on Mar 29, 2006 02:29 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Food park with a technology first

A food technology park will be set up in Indore which be equipped with an accelerator-based irradiation plant, the first such technology to be introduced in the country. The operation of irradiation plants set up in Maharashtra and other parts of the country to increase the shelf life of agricultural produce is currently based on gamma rays.

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Published on Mar 20, 2006 01:30 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Indore resident defrauded by Bhopal housing society

HE WHO comes into equity must come with clean hands! The apothegm, which forms the basis of Cooperative Movement, has been followed more in breach than in compliance in the State.

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Published on Mar 12, 2006 03:33 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Red Cross wants ?donation? for digging borewells

INCIDENTS OF village panchayats having to give donations to Indian Red Cross Society if they are to be granted permission for digging bore wells in villages, have come to light recently.

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Published on Feb 26, 2006 03:41 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Sinking co-ops: CAs? role under cloud

THE ROLE of chartered accountants (CA) has come under scanner as depositors of sinking credit cooperatives have raised protest against auditors for neglecting their moral and professional obligation laid down by laws.

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Published on Feb 14, 2006 01:40 AM IST
None | By, Indore

Depositors see red as co-ops go unchecked

THE RELUCTANCE of State Cooperatives Department to keep credit cooperatives and cooperative societies under check has sparked off protests from depositors. While the Department?s top officials, including former Registrar (the post is now vacant) Malay Shrivastav, have said that they have no powers to interfere in the affairs of cooperative institutions under Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahakarita Adhiniyam 1999, the depositors allege that it is a flimsy excuse.

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Published on Feb 12, 2006 01:01 PM IST
None | By, Indore

Treasure trove of Jain manuscripts

THE RICHNESS of Jain philosophy and literature has been captured in hundreds of manuscripts, some over a thousand years old that are scattered in museums, libraries, temples and private collections throughout the world.

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Published on Feb 07, 2006 04:24 PM IST
None | By, Indore
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