Parmita Uniyal
Articles by Parmita Uniyal

Diabetes: How high blood sugar levels can cause frozen shoulder; know symptoms

People with diabetes are more at risk of frozen shoulder. Shoulder exercises and controlling their blood sugar levels can help prevent this painful condition.

Frozen shoulder is common among diabetics because uncontrolled blood sugar levels can alter collagen, a crucial protein that makes up your connective tissue.(Pexels)
Published on Jun 17, 2022 02:42 PM IST

Monsoon Ayurveda: Simple and effective health tips during rainy season

According to Ayurveda, Vata entity aggravates during monsoon which makes people prone to certain illnesses. From warm and soothing teas, soup of pulses, oil massages to hair care routine, here are some useful Ayurvedic tips during rainy season suggested by Dr Archana Sukumaran, an Ayurveda expert.

Monsoon Ayurveda: Lifestyle changes in rainy season(Pixabay, Pexels)
Published on Jun 17, 2022 01:18 PM IST

Yoga poses to boost fertility in men and women naturally

Stress can affect your chances of conceiving. Here are some yoga poses suggested by an expert that will help relax your mind and body.

5 yoga poses that one can practice at home to improve their ability to conceive(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 15, 2022 08:30 PM IST

World Kidney Cancer Day 2022: Causes, symptoms and treatment of kidney cancer

World Kidney Cancer Day 2022: Kidney cancer or renal cancer occurs when the kidney cells become cancerous and form a tumour. Here are signs and symptoms, causes and treatment.

Kidney cancers are not easily diagnosed as most of them do not cause any symptoms(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 15, 2022 02:54 PM IST

Beetroot juice can do wonders for your heart, liver, skin; know all the benefits

Beetroot promotes heart health, detoxes liver and improves blood flow. It is also wonderful for constipation, digestive issues and skin health.

Beetroot juice is one of the healthiest foods you need to include this summer for getting innumerable health benefits.(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 15, 2022 01:53 PM IST

Men's Health Week: Nutrition tips that every man should follow to stay healthy

It is important for men to take care of their lifestyle as they age to prevent risk of these chronic diseases. Here are nutrition tips by an expert.

Men’s Health Week (June 13-19) provides an opportunity to bring awareness to health issues that affect men disproportionately and get them to become aware of problems they may have or could develop and gain the courage to do something about it.(Pexels)
Published on Jun 15, 2022 01:10 PM IST

Monsoon health tips: How to take care of your ears during rainy season

Fungal infections are common in monsoon and apart from skin and eyes, they can affect ears also. Here's how to prevent them.

Too much humidity can be a breeding ground for bacteria causing fungal infection.(Shutterstock)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 08:16 PM IST

Mild Covid side effects: Common long Covid symptoms to watch out for

Experiencing mild Covid symptoms? You may recover in no time, but here are some of the long Covid complications that can continue to trouble you for long.

Even asymptomatic people who did not have symptoms when they were infected can have post Covid complications.(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 07:02 PM IST

Best exercises to prevent osteoporosis suggested by a physiotherapist

To prevent osteoporosis risk later in life, here are the exercises you need to do on a regular basis

To prevent osteoporosis risk later in life, one should try to achieve high bone mass by consuming calcium-rich food and also through regular exercises.(Pexels)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 04:34 PM IST

Post Covid mental illnesses on rise: How to spot symptoms; treatment options

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, personality changes and other such mental health issues post Covid? Here's what you need to do.

There are a number of people who are reporting psychiatric disorders post their recovery and mental health experts are advising people to work on healthy lifestyle as well as treatment(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 02:30 PM IST

Sant Kabir Jayanti: Inspiring verses and quotes by the mystical saint and poet

Sant Kabir Jayanti 2022: Kabir Das' verses were composed in simple, relatable Hindi words but made a huge impact. On his birth anniversary, here are some inspiring verses and quotes by the mytic saint and poet.

Sant Kabir Jayanti is being observed on June 14 this year(Pinterest)
Published on Jun 14, 2022 01:10 PM IST

World Blood Donor Day 2022: Know the many health benefits of donating blood

World Blood Donor Day 2022: Donating blood helps create new blood cells, reduces risk of heart attack and liver ailment, lowers cholesterol and even slows down ageing.

World Blood Donor Day 2022
Published on Jun 12, 2022 08:56 PM IST

What is amyloidosis, rare health condition Pervez Musharraf suffers from

A rare disease, amyloidosis leads to abnormal deposition of some forms of proteins in various body tissues leading to organ damage. All you want to know about the disease, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Patients suffering from amyloidosis can have a multitude of symptoms like weight loss, easy fatiguability, waxy skin, easy bruising of skin, enlargement of liver, heart failure, carpal tunnel syndrome and disorders of the nerves.(@P_Musharraf / Twitter)
Published on Jun 12, 2022 06:42 PM IST

Is stress making you sick? Here are warning symptoms to watch out for

Considering stress is one of the major pitfalls of modern life, the underlying causes of many of the physical symptoms could be stress.

Is stress behind your recurring health issues?(Shutterstock)
Published on Jun 12, 2022 03:12 PM IST

How to express what you need from a partner; expert offers tips

Nedra Glover Tawwab, Therapist, NYT Bestselling Author, Relationship & Boundaries Expert in her recent Instagram post wrote on how to ask for what you need from a partner.

We all may have many expectations from our partners without realising they may not be in a position to fulfill them(Pexels)
Published on Jun 12, 2022 02:30 PM IST

Ayurveda expert on many benefits of Shatavari for men and women; how to consume

A wonder herb for women's reproductive health, Shatavari is quite beneficial for men too. Here are all the amazing benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic herb.

Shatavari that translates to 'the herb with hundred roots' has been known for its medicinal properties since time immemorial(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 12, 2022 01:19 PM IST

Is donating blood post Covid vaccination safe? Expert busts common myths

As Covid-19 is still around and booster vaccine drive is on, Dr. Pankaj Bhardwaj debunks myths related to donating blood after getting a Covid-19 jab.

. The rate of blood donation in India amounts to only 1% of the population
Updated on Jun 14, 2022 10:45 AM IST

National Osteoporosis Month: Tips to prevent bone loss during menopause

The drop in estrogen levels at the time of menopause can lead to osteoporosis. Here are tips to prevent bone loss.

There is a direct relationship between low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause and osteoporosis.(Pexels)
Published on Jun 11, 2022 06:32 PM IST

Justin Bieber diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome; all you want to know

Singer Justin Bieber revealed he has a health condition which has paralysed right side of his face. A viral infection, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by varicella-zoster virus and affects facial nerve near the ear.

Justin Bieber says he trusts God and hopes to get better with time by resting and doing a series of facial exercises.(Justin Bieber/Instagram)
Published on Jun 11, 2022 04:12 PM IST

Ayurveda expert on tips to get rid of bad breath

Practicing good oral hygiene, drinking adequate amount of water, eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding sugary foods and tobacco-based products could help you avoid bad breath.

Bad breath could also be a sign of peridontal or gum diseases and one must visit their dentist to know the exact cause.(Shutterstock)
Published on Jun 11, 2022 02:09 PM IST

Beware of these common monsoon diseases; expert tips on how to prevent them

Eating nutritious foods to keep cold and flu at bay, drinking boiled or filtered water, maintaining good overall hygiene, using mosquito repellents are some of the measures one can take to stay healthy during the season.

 During rainy days, one's immune system also takes a hit.(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 11, 2022 12:55 PM IST

Monsoon diet: Foods to eat and avoid during rainy season

Add probiotics to your diet; try to avoid leafy vegetables and seafood during monsoon season.

Street food and juices from outside must be avoided during monsoon as it may cause stomach infection.
Published on Jun 10, 2022 06:44 PM IST

Tips to develop positive mindset while facing challenges

Positive mindset, or a cheerful attitude, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. An expert on how to develop positive mindset while facing challenges.

Positive mindset can be achieved through different techniques such as positive self-talk and positive representation(Unsplash)
Published on Jun 10, 2022 05:26 PM IST

10 dos and don'ts you must follow for a healthy liver

Want to prevent deadly liver diseases? Steer clear of fad diets and over-the-counter medicines; get vaccinated for hepatitis and embrace these healthy lifestyle changes for a healthy liver.

From eating fatty food, drinking alcohol to popping pills without doctor's prescription, certain unhealthy habits can scar our liver forever.(Shutterstock)
Published on Jun 10, 2022 02:47 PM IST

Easy to make dessert ideas for lazy weekends by a chef

From easy-to-make pancakes to delicious fruit custard, here are some delectable dessert ideas for a lazy weekend.

Weekend desserts: Quick and delicious options you can try at home(Pinterest)
Published on Jun 10, 2022 01:35 PM IST

Experts on simple tips to prevent nerve health issues

To prevent nerve health issues, it is important to take care of your nervous system by staying active, minimising stress and taking ample rest.

Nerve health issues can be controlled at an early stage if not completely avoided by adopting simple lifestyle changes.(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 09, 2022 08:55 PM IST

Kshama Bindu marries herself; relationship expert on pros and cons of sologamy

Sologamy is when a person marries oneself. While more and more people are choosing themselves over a life partner across the world, the trend has just reached India with Kshama's self-marriage.

Gujarat's Kshama Bindu, 24, married herself on June 8
Published on Jun 09, 2022 05:54 PM IST

Should you eat or avoid eggs in summer? A nutritionist answers

Eggs are a storehouse of high-quality protein and other essential nutrients. But is it advisable to eat them in summer? Here's what a nutritionist says. 

.There are many myths associated with eggs and one of them is that we should not eat them in summer as they are hot in nature(Pixabay)
Published on Jun 09, 2022 04:03 PM IST

Ayurveda expert on how to avoid weight gain during summer

Summer weight gain can catch you by surprise and there are many factors that could be contributing to it. Here are tips by Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar to tackle unwanted weight gain.

There are many factors that may contribute to the summer bulge including changes in your routine when the kids are at home to drinking too many sugary and cool beverages(Unsplash)
Published on Jun 09, 2022 02:13 PM IST

5 everyday foods that are harming your liver

From excess alcohol consumption, overdosing on medicines, to eating a diet high on sugar and calories, there are many ways we may be burdening our liver.

The largest single organ in the body, liver performs an array of functions from producing bile that aids in digestion of food and also helps with the storage of fats, apart from providing us with better immunity.(Pexels, Pixabay)
Published on Jun 09, 2022 01:02 PM IST
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