Articles by Sunita Narain
To erase plastic waste, focus on recyclability
Plastic is a ubiquitous and long-lasting substance — essential for almost everything we do. But it has now become a bane to our environment.
Published on Jun 05, 2023 08:56 PM IST
IPCC report shows nations need to act
About half of the world is vulnerable to the climate crisis, which will hurt the poor disproportionately. Governments must act at the scale and speed that is necessary
Updated on Mar 07, 2022 06:57 PM IST
Running – not walking – the talk on climate
India’s climate targets are laudable. But to fight the crisis equitably, the industrialised world must raise ambitions and provide finance, China must reduce emissions
Updated on Nov 02, 2021 10:44 PM IST
Our future is at stake in Glasgow
The world must recognise climate justice, call out advanced economies and China, frontload emissions reduction targets to 2030, phase out coal
Updated on Oct 28, 2021 02:05 PM IST
The exhaustion of the carbon budget
Seven countries and the EU have already used up 74% of the carbon budget available to keep temperatures below the 1.5 degree threshold. India is a victim but will have to be proactive
Updated on Aug 15, 2021 08:33 PM IST
On climate, what the US needs to do
Joe Biden has done well to rejoin the Paris accord. But his administration will have to overcome Trumpism, take responsibility for historic emissions, and change energy consumption patterns at home
Updated on Jan 24, 2021 06:25 AM IST
Pollution: Why every one per cent counts, writes Sunita Narain
The source of pollution here is local. Action has to be taken through local agencies. And it has to be systemic
Updated on Dec 15, 2020 08:29 PM IST
Delhi: An agenda to bring back blue skies
A fundamental transformation is needed, aided by strong governance capacity
Updated on Nov 12, 2020 11:52 PM IST
Excerpt: Conflicts of Interest by Sunita Narain
In this excerpt from Sunita Narain’s new book about her journey through India’s Green movement, the environmentalist writes about the murderous smog that choking not just Delhi but all our cities
Updated on Nov 24, 2017 11:20 PM IST
Hindustan times |
Sunita Narain
Why floods are the new normal this monsoon
Climate change will only increase as weather and rainfall will only get more variable, more extreme and more catastrophic.Since rain will come in more ferocious events, we must engineer for its storage and drainage
Updated on Sep 08, 2017 12:13 PM IST
We’re beginning to win the battle for clean air, bit by bit
The biggest win of this winter is the Supreme Court nudging the government to prepare India’s first smog alert system. There is now a framework to push action. This needs to be lauded and implemented.
Updated on Feb 07, 2017 09:15 AM IST
Building liveable cities will need smart planning
Urban planning needs to redesign systems for providing services and then redesign the utility to supply most efficiently and to all, writes Sunita Narain for HT@90 series.
Updated on Dec 20, 2014 04:57 PM IST
Hindustan Times |
Sunita Narain
Step on the gas: What India must do for the planet
Jairam Ramesh is right when he says that India should agree to phase out HFC — a powerful greenhouse gas. But he is wrong when he argues that the non-patented substitutes for this chemical are inflammable and therefore, not desirable.
Updated on Sep 23, 2014 01:10 AM IST
'It can't be business as usual'
Rio+20 has ended on a whimper. The final outcome entitled, The Future We Want, is weak and inconsequential in terms of the urgent actions needed to manage a fast deteriorating global economy and the crisis of ecology.
Updated on Jul 01, 2012 12:17 AM IST
Hindustan Times |
Sunita Narain
Kick ass for Bhopal
We need tough corporate liability laws so that companies think twice before they expose us to danger, writes Sunita Narain.
Updated on Jun 24, 2010 12:08 PM IST
None |
Sunita Narain
The ‘idea of environment’ needs a new practice
We all, more today than yesterday, believe in the need, indeed the imperative, of managing and protecting the environment. The ‘idea’ of environment has been accepted. The challenge now is to make the ‘practice’ of environment work, writes Sunita Narain.
Updated on Jun 05, 2010 01:15 AM IST
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Sunita Narain
How green is my colony?
Building green is not about a little more efficiency. It is about creating buildings that optimise on the local ecology, use local materials and most importantly, are built to cut power, water and material requirements, writes Sunita Narain.
Updated on Jul 31, 2009 12:07 AM IST
None |
Sunita Narain
Change the flush and forget mindset
How do we make India water-secure? First, we need to recognise that cities and industries will need more and more water. Moreover, cities will take water currently in use by someone else. This will lead to tension and even violence.The only answer is for our cities and industries to become water-prudent, and cut down on waste. This means rethinking our current systems, writes Sunita Narain.
Updated on Jul 26, 2009 11:23 PM IST
None |
Sunita Narain
'We need a regulatory spine'
"We expected Govt to respond to the issue of lack of regulations for soft drinks industry with urgency," writes Sunita Narain, head of CSE.
Published on Aug 23, 2003 11:48 PM IST
PTI | , New Delhi
Sunita Narain