Articles by Tarun Vijay
Monitor construction in the Himalayas to avoid tragedy
Instead of clearing projects in a piecemeal manner, the Himalayan area must be taken as a single unit for purposes of environmental impact assessment, which must be taken far more seriously.

Published on Jan 19, 2023 09:42 PM IST
The challenge is to change mindset, rather than deny racism: Tarun Vijay | Opinion
I regret the moment when in an effort to counter an onslaught on Indians for being racist, I tried to say we are weaving a fabric of togetherness -- different people, colours, shades, and religions, but we live as one. It came out as suggesting just the opposite, writes Tarun Vijay.

Updated on Apr 09, 2017 07:22 AM IST
RSS is the biggest guarantor of pluralism in India
The RSS prepares young minds to work for an all-inclusive India.

Published on Apr 06, 2016 09:31 PM IST
To question, to rebel, that’s being Indian
Parties may differ from each other politically and ideologically but can still be respectful towards one another

Updated on Mar 21, 2014 12:14 AM IST
Talk tough to tackle terror
But this Hindu attitude of forgetting the bitter past and beginning a new friendship has always remained unreciprocated. Various armed lords are controlling Pakistan. Islamabad’s authority has lost its relevance except for the army and the US, writes Tarun Vijay.

Updated on May 21, 2009 10:23 PM IST
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Tarun Vijay
Playing Chinese checkers
President Hu will soon be in India, and the time is right for us to unravel a strategy that will take Sino-Indo ties to a deeper level, Tarun Vijay comments.

Updated on Nov 12, 2006 02:03 AM IST
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Guest column | Tarun Vijay
Playing Chinese checkers
President Hu will soon be in India, and the time is right for us to unravel a strategy that will take Sino-Indo ties to a deeper level, Tarun Vijay comments.

Updated on Nov 12, 2006 02:53 AM IST
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Guest column | Tarun Vijay
Beyond petty politics
Elections 2004 have shown how the nation has risen above narrow concerns.

Published on May 12, 2004 02:42 PM IST
Tarun Vijay