Excise inspector Anil Kumar said, “The joint team first raided a shop at HSVP market, Sector 8, where the owner, Suraj, was serving alcohol without licence.” The team arrested Suraj, and another local, Ravi, who was consuming the liquor, on the spot.
A joint team of the Haryana chief minister’s flying squad and excise department raided two eateries and arrested three persons for serving and consuming liquor illegally late Wednesday.
Excise inspector Anil Kumar said, “The joint team first raided a shop at HSVP market, Sector 8, where the owner, Suraj, was serving alcohol without licence.” The team arrested Suraj, and another local, Ravi, who was consuming the liquor, on the spot.
In a separate case, the team arrested Bhola Ram for illegally serving liquor at a temporary structure next to a fuel station near Devi Nagar village.
Police said that two cases were registered on the complaint of Kumar. The men were released on bail after formalities.