A sum of ₹7.63 crore has been imposed as penalties on vendors issuing invalid bills under the ‘bill liyao inaam pao’ scheme
Punjab finance minister Harpal Singh Cheema on Friday announced a significant crackdown on vendors issuing invalid bills under the ‘bill liyao inaam pao’ scheme, and a sum of ₹7.63 crore has been imposed as penalties on them out of which ₹5.87 crore already has been recovered.
In a press release issued here Cheema added that out of 1,604 notices issued to vendors for billing discrepancies, 711 have been resolved, and the scheme has also led to 123 new GST registrations, leading to improved tax compliance.
“The scheme, launched by chief minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on August 21, 2023, encourages consumers to upload purchase bills via the ‘mera bill app’ and has seen a robust response, with 91,719 bills uploaded to date,” said Cheema while adding that prizes worth ₹1.37 crore have been awarded to 2,353 scheme winners to date.
The finance minister urged the state residents to continue participating, retaining purchase bills, and supporting the state’s tax infrastructure, with monthly prizes up to ₹10,000 available.