Punjab speaker Sandhwan said all MLAs and administrative secretaries were imparted training about the working of this new system.
To get first-hand information about the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) project specifically implemented for the first time in the Punjab Legislative Assembly, a Karnataka vidhan sabha delegation led by its speaker on Wednesday visited the Punjab assembly and met Punjab speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan.
The delegation includes Karnataka speaker UT Khader Fareed, secretary KR Mahalakshmi and MK Vishalakshi.
Punjab speaker Sandhwan said the entire work of the Punjab assembly, including functioning of the sessions, is being done digitally in a paperless manner.
He said by conducting a two-day NeVA conference-cum-workshop, all MLAs and administrative secretaries were imparted training about the working of this new system.
He said a digital wing has been set up to make the functioning of the Punjab assembly hi-tech and connect it with modern tools of communication.