The accused was identified as Ganesh Kumar, a native of Karnal. People familiar with the matter said the girl’s body, which was also run over by trains, was spotted by some locals
Two days after mutilated body of a 10-year-old girl was found near rail tracks in Karnal, the Haryana Government Railway Police (GRP) on Wednesday arrested her brother-in-law under murder charges.
The accused was identified as Ganesh Kumar, a native of Karnal. People familiar with the matter said the girl’s body, which was also run over by trains, was spotted by some locals.
Sub-inspector Vilayati Ram from GRP CIA said the man murdered the girl using knife and strangulated her using a string.
“His wife, who is the deceased’s elder sister, had left him due to domestic issues. He believed that the minor girl was aware of her whereabouts and was not informing him, due to which he killed her out of rage at farms next to the tracks and dumped her body there,” he added.
On allegations of rape before murder, the cop said the autopsy reports were awaited to confirm any such charges.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Man held for killing minor sister-in-law in Haryana’s Karnal