
Random Forays | Graduating effortlessly into unclehood!

ByVivek Atray
Oct 20, 2024 05:10 AM IST

It is only in India, of course, that we have this tendency to address even unknown older ones so warmly, by calling them uncles or aunties or brothers or sisters

Unclehood is something which creeps upon grown men quite unknowingly. We are never quite prepared for it. The first time a youngster addressed me by the seemingly reverential title, “Uncle”, I balked at the term. Not the least of my list of reasons for not wanting to be addressed as uncle was the fact this was a rather pretty 20-year-old and I was still youthful myself, at 28!

Men start looking like dilapidated versions of their own selves, and cannot hope to live in perpetual avoidance of the stark reality. Women somehow manage to put their best foot forward and escape the older look for as long as possible. (Shutterstock)
Men start looking like dilapidated versions of their own selves, and cannot hope to live in perpetual avoidance of the stark reality. Women somehow manage to put their best foot forward and escape the older look for as long as possible. (Shutterstock)

I was already married to Neena and we had just been blessed with our first baby daughter. And this particular young lady had come to visit her classmate, my sister-in-law, who was then staying with us. But for me to answer the door bell only be ushered into unclehood instantaneously was simply not acceptable. I was the one who was supposed to do the ushering in, after all. In any case, I reluctantly smiled at her and invited her in, but my moodiness lasted for weeks.

Was every man just meant to be consigned to this irrevocable destiny one day? My brooding mind was pondering thus. It was not long afterwards that such an incident was repeated, though thankfully, such painful moments were few and far between in those years. Today of course, one is the favourite uncle, not only of one’s own extended family, but it often seems, of all and sundry!

It is only in India, of course, that we have this tendency to address even unknown older ones so warmly, by calling them uncles or aunties or brothers or sisters. In western countries they might say ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ at times, but would usually say Tom, Dick or Harry, as the case may be.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being called uncle or auntie. It’s just that one is not ever prepared for charming humans to address us like that. In fact, the ladies might find it even more appalling to be ‘auntied’ and they would rather stay young forever. Men, somehow, anyway start looking like dilapidated versions of their own selves, and cannot hope to live in perpetual avoidance of the stark reality. Women somehow manage to put their best foot forward and escape the older look for as long as possible, especially these days, with all the facilities that are on offer.

The minds of a few remain young forever, of course. They remain youthful in their outlook, their demeanour, their body language and their conversations. They might start looking pot bellied and the hairline might recede just as a low tide does, this time never to come back, but their smiles don’t change. They are the true favourites of nearly everyone, more because of their inner make up than their outer appearance.

One of the definitions that the internet offers of the word ‘uncle’ goes like this: Someone who helps, advises and is great at telling funny stories! Uncles and aunts also become the confidants of their nieces and nephews, especially if they’re youngish. The kids are utterly scared of their parents of course. Even that scenario is happily changing though. Parents are more like friends these days, at times, in fact, a bit too much!

Uncles are bound to accept their fate, however. They simply cannot get away from it. And with side-burns greying much sooner these days, what with all kinds of stresses piling up inside youngsters’ minds, they are liable to be called ‘uncles’ much earlier.

What took the cake though was my favourite advertisement. An entirely uncle-ish looking older gentleman was seated at a restaurant and a very beautiful lady, seated nearby, was speaking on a newly invented mobile phone. The said uncle, who could clearly overhear her part of the conversation, thought that she was speaking to him and asking him out for a drink. Extremely pleased at the unexpected offer, he adjusted his tie and made his way to her side, just as she concluded her call, only to be asked, much to his chagrin, to serve ‘one black coffee”!

The human quest to remain young is at the heart of such feelings, of course. And someone forwarded a familiar but timeless quote, “The aim is to die young, as late as possible!”

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