
Ukraine war: Tharoor praises Modi govt for deft handling of ties with US, Russia

ByAneesha Sareen Kumar, Ludhiana
Apr 07, 2023 11:31 PM IST

Amidst an ongoing standoff between the ruling BJP and Congress, MP Shashi Tharoor praised the BJP government for a fine job of balancing relations with both the US and Russia in face of the ongoing Ukraine war

Amidst an ongoing standoff between the ruling BJP and Congress, MP Shashi Tharoor, at a late evening event here on Thursday, praised the BJP government for a fine job of balancing relations with both the US and Russia in face of the ongoing Ukraine war. The Lok Sabha member from Thiruvananthapuram also appreciated the government’s handling of India’s presidency of the G20 by scheduling multiple functions across more than 50 cities in the country.

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor at an event in Ludhiana. (Gurpreet Singh/HT)
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor at an event in Ludhiana. (Gurpreet Singh/HT)

Tharoor, who was on a brief visit to the city, was responding to a Q&A session with Rakesh Bharti Mittal, vice-chairman of Bharti Enterprises, during a function organised by the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ladies Organisation) (FICCIFLO) late last evening.

“I must say the government has done a good job in the way it’s conducting G20 events. Conducting events in over 50 cities across the country is a really good idea. India has already held finance and foreign minister level meetings of the G20 apart from at several other official levels”, he observed.

Tharoor said the government has done a fine job of balancing relations with Russia and the US despite the Ukraine war while responding to a direct question.

Tharoor, who spoke on several issues in response to a Q&A session anchored by Mittal, said artificial intelligence applications like ChatGPT have revolutionised the functioning of many professions, including writers, academics, lawyers and even the medical profession. He said 30% of the jobs that will be available in 2030 will be completely new. “It’s become very important to teach students how to think rather than what to think”, he said.

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