Eleven persons including six women, were killed after a speeding truck rammed into a private bus in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur city, police said. A total of 57 passengers were in the bus who were visiting temples in UP from Pushkar in Ajmer. The incident took place around 5am on Wednesday on Jaipur-Agra national highway-21. According to police, there was a problem in the bus due to damage in the diesel pipe when the bus was crossing over the bridge at Hantara village. Also Read:7 women killed in TN after minibus crushes them; CM Stalin announces compensation The driver stopped the bus to check the problem after which a few passengers also followed to check. However, a speeding truck coming from the Jaipur side to Bharatpur rammed into the bus. 11 people hailing from Gujarat were declared dead while 15 injured passengers were taken to district Raj Bahadur Memorial hospital. All deceased and injured belong to Dihor town in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat.