Parametres such as less than 1,000 out-patients in a month, less than 50 deliveries or 75 admissions in a month, and one or no medical officer deployed or where specialists are posted without their need were considered to make the list, “CHCs are significant to ensure health services reach people in rural areas
At least 120 poor-performing community health centres (CHCs) where patient admissions are low or they have fewer medical officers than the assigned posts have been identified by the state health department, officials in the department said.
(For representation)
Parametres such as less than 1,000 out-patients in a month, less than 50 deliveries or 75 admissions in a month, and one or no medical officer deployed or where specialists are posted without their need were considered to make the list, “CHCs are significant to ensure health services reach people in rural areas. Patients from those places need not rush to district hospitals for minor health issues,” said a senior health official.
Data regarding different facilities provided to patients and fed into the hospital information system by the office of respective chief medical officer was also taken into account.
CHCs that see less than 1,000 outpatients in a month