
Inclusive development key to solving population problem: JNU prof

By, Lucknow
Nov 19, 2024 07:44 AM IST

“Population growth must take place at the level of replacement ratio, two children for every two adults. Inclusive development is the key to solving the problem. There is a need for equitable distribution of resources, which is a myth today,” said Jha.

Inclusive development was key to solving the population problem, said Praveen Jha, a senior economics professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University. There was a need for development in terms of education, employment and resources which could serve as the best contraceptive, he noted.

Guests at a conference organised by Jai Narain Mishra PG College in Lucknow on Tuesday. (HT)
Guests at a conference organised by Jai Narain Mishra PG College in Lucknow on Tuesday. (HT)

Jha was in the city for a three-day conference on ‘population and development’ that began here on Monday. The meet, wherein Jha was the keynote speaker on its inaugural day, is being organised by Jai Narain Mishra PG College.

“Population growth must take place at the level of replacement ratio, two children for every two adults. Inclusive development is the key to solving the problem. There is a need for equitable distribution of resources, which is a myth today,” said Jha.

Jha quoted a report by Oxfam and state that only 1% of the world’s richest people own over 43% of global financial assets and the wealth of the five richest men in the world had increased almost by double since 2020 while 5 billion people recorded a fall in their wealth.

“The disparity in terms of economy and resources is not just in terms of rich and poor. Globally, men own $105 trillion more wealth than women. People of colour in the US have about 15.8% of the total wealth, which is only 1/6.5th part of the wealth owned by white people there. There is a need for redistribution through standard mechanisms like imposing of taxes while on the contrary the corporate taxes in India were slashed from 30% to 22% in 2019,” he said.

Principal JNPG Prof. Vinod Chandra said the conference was aimed at addressing the pressing population challenges and explore opportunities for sustainable development.

Additional chief secretary Amit Mohan Prasad, prominent figure in the public health sector Mukesh Kumar Sharma and LU vice chancellor Prof. Alok Kumar Rai were also present.

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