Pathak was addressing a meeting of doctors held to gather support for BJP candidate and defence minister Rajnath Singh, running for a third term from Lucknow. The meeting was organised by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) Lucknow at IMA auditorium, River Bank Colony. Pathak said, “Now the state government is working to make modern medical facilities available in every district.”
LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak said here on Friday that the Bharatiya Janata Party always stood by the honour and self-respect of doctors. In Uttar Pradesh, under the leadership of chief minister Yogi Adityanath, the One District One Medical College scheme was going on at a rapid pace, he said.
Pathak was addressing a meeting of doctors held to gather support for BJP candidate and defence minister Rajnath Singh, running for a third term from Lucknow. The meeting was organised by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) Lucknow at IMA auditorium, River Bank Colony. Pathak said, “Now the state government is working to make modern medical facilities available in every district.”
Lucknow Metropolitan president Anand Dwivedi said that Lucknow MP Rajnath Singh was concerned about how the middle and poor classes could get better medical facilities. As per the instructions of the defence minister, a large scale health fair was being organised in Lucknow. Free sanitary pads were being distributed to women. To improve the health of the common man, a large number of open gyms had been set up in parks at the ward level.
Senior BJP leader Neeraj Singh said that the state government had resolved the problems and difficulties of doctors from time to time. Ever since the Bharatiya Janata Party government came to power at the centre and in the state, doctors must have seen positive change. Mentioning the development works of Rajnath Singh, he said that construction of 104 km outer ring road would speed up the development of Lucknow. Big industries and hospitals would be established and Lucknow would become an employment hub.
The BJP leaders called upon doctors and the entire medical fraternity to cast their votes on May 20 to help defence minister Rajnath Singh win the election with a huge margin.
In another event, minister of state for defence, Government Of India, Ajay Bhatt said that social media volunteers played a very big role for any party as they worked to spread the message of the good work and initiatives of government, educating people about government policies and schemes within a short time by creating content.
Speaking at a Samvad programme held at IMRT Business School, Gomti Nagar, he said, “Under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, India has become self-reliant in the field of defence . Brahmos missile will soon be produced in Lucknow. DRDO lab has been established in Lucknow too.
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News/Cities/Lucknow/ Support Rajnath, Pathak exhorts medical fraternity