Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath announced that group yoga programs will be conducted in all 58,000 gram panchayats, 762 urban bodies, and district headquarters across the state to mark International Yoga Day on June 21, 2021. Various competitions will also be held in schools and colleges, and ministers are expected to participate in programs within their districts. The theme for this year's Yoga Day is "Har Ghar-Aangan Yoga," promoting wellness for every family through yoga.
Group yoga practice programmes will be conducted in all 58,000 gram panchayats, 762 urban bodies and district headquarters across the state to mark International Yoga Day on June 21, said Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath during a review meet on Friday.
Besides, various competitions will also be held in schools and colleges on the occasion, he added. On the day of International Yoga Day, all ministers should take part in the programmes organised in the district under their charge, the CM said.
“Amrit Sarovars”, sites of historical and cultural significance, will also be used for yoga practice, said a press statement from the state government. “Take cooperation of voluntary organisations, health and wellness centres, religious, social organisations and yoga institutes to increase public awareness,” Yogi said while reviewing the preparations.
“Yoga is a priceless gift to humanity that maintains the health of the body and of the mind. The 9th International Yoga Day’s theme is “Har Ghar-Aangan Yoga” in order to promote wellness and health for every family through yoga,” said the press statement issued after the meeting.
“On the occasion of the International Day of Yoga, this year, June 15–June 21, 2023, should be observed as “Yoga Week” with the aim of bringing the benefits of yoga to an increasing number of people,” the CM added.
There should be group yoga practice in public parks every morning from 6am to 8am. Seminar/workshops related to yoga should be organised in universities, colleges and schools, in which role of yoga in modern lifestyle, role of yoga in management of mental disorders, yoga, speech competitions, rangoli/poster competition, essay writing competition, slogan, extempore speech competitions should be organised, the CM directed the officials.
In all the 14,000 wards, places will be marked for yoga through corporators. All police lines/PAC battalions must be linked to the main event of the Yoga Day, the officials were directed.