A 13-year-old girl was gang-raped and confined in an Agra hotel room. Two accused arrested, search on for the third. Police investigating at Trans-Yamuna station.
A minor girl was gang raped and confined to a hotel room in Agra. Police registered a case at the Trans-Yamuna police station. Two of the named accused were arrested and the search is on for the third one.
“On Monday, a complaint was lodged at the Trans-Yamuna police station of Agra involving the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl. One accused, Tinku Gupta, who has a fast-food centre near the girl’s school, misled her. The girl comes from a town on the outskirts of Agra city,” said Hemant Kumar, the assistant commissioner of police (ACP), Chatta Circle, Agra Commissionerate.
“According to complaint, Gupta, raped the victim, who was not allowed to return home and was confined to a hotel room in trans-Yamuna area of Agra city on March 15. Two other accused, identified as Pramod and Lucky allegedly raped the girl next day on March 16,” the ACP said.
“Teams have been constituted to nab the accused. Two of the accused Tinku Gupta and Pramod have been arrested, and Lucky, who is absconding, is being searched for, added the ACP.