Articles by Abhijit Banerjee
Foretaste: An excerpt from Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee’s new cookbook
Read an exclusive excerpt and try out a recipe from Cooking to Save Your Life by Abhijit Banerjee, with illustrations by Cheyenne Olivier.
Updated on Nov 13, 2021 04:37 PM IST
India’s GDP numbers are likely to be an overestimation
Given just how large our informal sector is, the overestimation could be very significant. Still the overestimation seems to be entirely missed by our leaders who are happily beating their chests about our (mostly made up) growth numbers
Updated on Mar 08, 2017 10:47 AM IST
Focus our best academic talent in a few places to promote excellence
Presidency University is struggling to hold on to its best people today in part because as a state government institution in a poor state, it pays at least 40% less than its competitors who benefit from the munificence of the central government.
Published on Jan 21, 2017 06:24 PM IST
Bad economics can bite
Even if the whole thing is a mistake in pure economic terms, demonetisation could be worth it for the PM in terms of political dividends
Updated on Dec 22, 2016 07:52 AM IST
We need a leader, not just a glorified manager
A leader is more than just a sympathetic listener. She (or he) needs to ask questions and get people to respond candidly, listen to what they are saying, and be able to engage and sustain the resulting debate.
Updated on Nov 23, 2016 01:18 AM IST
Even if Trump loses, the anger that brought him to the fore will remain
How did the United States, a country with more than 200 years of experience with democracy, get to a situation where it is so close to electing someone who seems to be an old-fashioned fascist? To answer this, it’ll be useful to see the world from the point of view of the average American worker
Updated on Nov 03, 2016 10:42 PM IST
India needs help of Kashmiris to offset Pakistan’s dirty cross-border games
The strikes themselves Pakistan might have swallowed as a move in our age-old game of tit for tat. The propaganda, the public display of our delight at their expense, force their hand — it’s the smartphone moment. And we may very well come to regret it
Updated on Oct 11, 2016 08:19 PM IST
Little to cheer: One Olympic medal for every 60 crore Indians
Our obsession with cricket, along with malnutrition, poor sanitary conditions and lack of public playgrounds, reflect in our Olympic medals’ haul
Updated on Sep 01, 2016 01:18 AM IST
Brexit: If democracy has to survive, the elites have to regain their credibility
The mainstream parties have always insisted that immigrants and imports from cheaper competitors is nothing to worry about, but to the man in the street this has never made intuitive sense. When the economists were delivering results, voters were willing to suspend disbelief, but now they have no reason. Hence Brexit
Updated on Jun 24, 2016 10:15 PM IST
We need to make our sports talent truly world class
Why not forget about national boundaries, just for cricket? To make this possible, administrators will need to work with their counterparts from other countries
Updated on Apr 17, 2016 02:48 PM IST
We need thinking spaces like JNU and the govt must stay out of it
Universities and civil society are important for a democracy like ours, founded on a genuine idealism that we have a hard time holding on to
Published on Feb 16, 2016 11:30 PM IST
Not just odd-even plan, a combination of incentives, subsidies needed
In terms of alternatives to the odd-even rule, it is clear that one important downside of the proposed scheme is that it does not discriminate between those who just drive round the corner and those who drive hundreds of kilometres a day
Updated on Dec 29, 2015 05:58 PM IST
Intimidation, imitation, economics: Why youth are taking to terror
A potent combination of intimidation, imitation and economic stagnation are the reasons for the youth taking to terror.
Updated on Nov 25, 2015 12:50 AM IST
Peace-loving people need to break silence on growing intolerance
If the majority of peace-loving people in India choose to stay silent on Dadri-like incidents, soon we will become another Pakistan.
Updated on Oct 17, 2015 11:47 AM IST
Hindustan Times | Abhijit Banerjee
Police reform a must to stop State from misusing power
Every time we see State power being used with impunity, every occasion when a policeman walks into a teashop and leaves without paying, diminishes the State and breeds cynicism, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Sep 22, 2015 11:37 PM IST
Hindustan Times | Abhijit Banerjee
Colleges, univs should be exciting places to teach, be taught
We need to be able to think of ways to make our institutions of higher learning exciting places to teach and be taught.
Updated on Jul 23, 2015 07:59 AM IST
None | Abhijit Banerjee
Selling insurance to poor in India demands imaginative solutions
It is difficult to sell insurance to the poor in India. The challenges are not insurmountable but demand imaginative solutions
Updated on Jun 04, 2015 01:49 AM IST
Sanitation drive: Bring it all in from the open
If you are a natural scientist, a publication the journal Science carries enormous prestige. In the last few years Science has started to publish a small number of articles in the social sciences on topics of special importance.
Updated on Apr 28, 2015 02:07 AM IST
Hindustan Times | Abhijit Banerjee
Land acquisition: First, sow the seeds of security among farmers
Many years ago, Jagdish Bhagwati, a very distinguished economist long before he became one of the patron saints of the NDA, published an important paper on what he called Directly Unproductive Activities or DUP.
Updated on Mar 26, 2015 11:01 PM IST
Delhi polls: When it comes to funding, keep it white and keep it right
At stake in the Delhi elections is the idea that it is possible to be competitive without using under-the-table finance.
Updated on Feb 04, 2015 02:18 AM IST
Food for thought: Parties should reward their foot soldiers amply
We need parties that pay their boys decent salaries for being the professionals they could be rather than the proto-criminals they end up becoming because of the system, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Jan 02, 2015 11:17 AM IST
What's the plan for MNREGA? Modi has to explain
We deserve to be told why the MGNREGA has been singled out for the axe, if for no other reason than to inform our views about future programmes, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Nov 27, 2014 09:26 AM IST
No job is 'low' - be it desk or labour
Our prejudice against physical labour can only undermine Narendra Modi’s drive to turn India into a manufacturing hub, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Oct 27, 2014 11:02 PM IST
India's self-righteous policies aren't helping the poor
Any attempt to do anything 'for the poor' tends to be cloaked in such self-righteousness that hardly anyone dares to ask the necessary questions about it: does the programme itself make sense, is there anything else that we could do that would be better? writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Oct 02, 2014 02:07 PM IST
The new plan body must have a certain oomph
Narendra Modi says that he will replace the Planning Commission with a think tank. But it will take some doing to attract high-quality people to work for it, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Aug 19, 2014 11:09 PM IST
The centre may not hold: how public rage may hurt India
The Muzaffarnagar riots and the mauling in elections were bad enough, but things really spun out of control with the rash of rapes and gang rapes that don't show any sign of letting up, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Jul 02, 2014 09:05 AM IST
None | Abhijit Banerjee
Narendra Modi has to be most decisive at first
The BJP must nurture the institutions that put credible checks and balances in place. Otherwise, the street will fight back. Abhijit Banerjee writes.
Updated on May 26, 2014 11:05 PM IST
Hindustan Times | Abhijit Banerjee
Why BJP's plan of full reforms is easier said than done
One advantage of not being in power is that we can dream of reshaping the world exactly as we please. The BJP has had this luxury for some time — now the reality is about to hit it, writes Abhijit Banerjee.
Updated on Apr 23, 2014 11:31 AM IST