Articles by Arvind Vijaymohan
Crushing on cars: How Lamborghini went from tractor maker to supercar producer
It took a Ferrari. Lamborghini’s Ferrari, to be precise!

Updated on Oct 20, 2019 12:18 AM IST
Hindustan Times | Arvind Vijaymohan
Travel: In the land of the Pitti Peacocks
To see human males exhibiting the splendour and extravagance of male birds, head to Florence’s annual menswear event

Updated on Aug 03, 2019 11:43 PM IST
Hindustan Times | Arvind Vijaymohan
Interest in contemporary art among young collectors is encouraging
The recent auction by Saffronart, which saw the sale of 32 works by contemporary artists, is a testimony to the renewed interest in this art form, especially among the younger profile of collectors.

Published on Jan 25, 2019 02:24 PM IST
Tips to follow when you are taking baby steps into the world of art
Regularly visiting exhibitions, reading up on art, befriending an expert and investing judiciously on a work of art are the initial steps towards becoming an art collector.

Published on Jan 04, 2019 03:23 PM IST
Works of progressives a must look for citizens to feel connectedness
Despite each artist having an individualistic practice, they were united in their pursuit of unraveling and presenting, visually, our newly birthed nation.

Updated on Dec 07, 2018 02:49 PM IST
Retain an open mind to appreciate all forms of art
It can sometimes be resident in human nature to resist, and in similar vein, to adapt and change as demanded by the situation.

Updated on Nov 30, 2018 03:09 PM IST
Listen to everyone, but do what your head and heart urge you to
Even with advise from a wisely selected council, you will encounter situations where you find yourself fielding four to five differing views, here only your instinct and knowledge will come in handy.

Updated on Sep 24, 2018 03:35 PM IST
‘Develop your art collection like your signature, distinctive’
Every budding collection comprises the same artists, with comparable works. Your collection should encompass a wider repertoire, covering subjects, colours, sizes and media, says Arvind Vijaymohan.

Updated on Sep 07, 2018 01:18 PM IST
Emphasise on art works that cause ardent dislike, unravel the reason
The path of following a plotted blueprint is directed more from the position of protection during the early steps, rather than stifling one’s instincts.

Updated on Aug 24, 2018 10:05 AM IST
Allocating dedicated time, a basic rule for beginners collecting art
Building a small personal library of artworks—this could be as tight as 5-6 coffee table books that are richly illustrated with images of your preferred artist or art movement - can be a simple yet brilliant way to keep the visual connect active.

Updated on Aug 17, 2018 03:50 PM IST
Gaps in art business throwing up opportunities in the e-auction era
Technology has led us along the expected path of extending the reach of content for sale, or knowledge. Easy access to both has contributed significantly towards the widening of the market.

Updated on Aug 10, 2018 02:48 PM IST
Go beyond the attractive picture, try to scratch below the surface
Judgement, composition, balance, interplay of palette, size, the choice of a medium—all play a crucial role in outlining the brilliance of an art piece.

Updated on Aug 03, 2018 04:04 PM IST
‘Staying true to the masters’ art in market full of authentic forgeries’
In the world of forged art, there has been a marked improvement in the quality of workmanship, the attention to provenance and complicit participation of market figures.

Updated on Jul 06, 2018 02:55 PM IST
Art advisors should help their clients make independent choices
Every individual has an inherent visual and aesthetic sensibility and that needs to be honed. This can only occur with some level of engagement.

Updated on Jun 30, 2018 02:03 PM IST
Art collectors in the making should challenge established opinions
Asking a gallerist or curator a simple set of questions about what qualifies an artist as a genius and the works as brilliant is always a great idea.

Updated on Jun 29, 2018 11:27 AM IST
Why can’t we hold our own against the world’s art markets?
Although attitude towards the humanities streams is changing, many things have held us back from stepping up to join the ranks of the more evolved art markets, says Arvind Vijaymohan .

Updated on Jun 08, 2018 08:45 AM IST
Hindustan Times | Arvind Vijaymohan
Gurugram, high on energy and potential but still low on cultural quarters
A cursory scan of the residents’ list in just a dozen neighbourhoods would round up the who’s who of corporate India. So why, then, is the city so woefully undernourished when it comes to the cultural spaces?

Updated on Jun 01, 2018 11:47 AM IST
The ten commandments of collecting art
The finest collections are about how all the objects within come together successfully and seamlessly

Published on Feb 10, 2018 10:48 PM IST
Hindustan Times | Arvind Vijaymohan
Salvator Mundi sale: Art can be a stellar investment but not always
The requisites and guidelines to adhere to are so inflexible and severe that its potential benefits are appreciated by a privileged few.

Updated on Nov 16, 2017 09:35 PM IST