Articles by Kanishk Tharoor
Thanks to the electoral college system some voters are more equal than others
Since presidential elections are decided by the electoral college system and not a popular vote, candidates do not have any real incentive to focus on “safe” states

Updated on Oct 18, 2016 01:23 AM IST
Donald Trump: His enabler, the media, is his adversary
Despite being given more free publicity by the media than any candidate, Donald Trump portrays the press as his enemy

Updated on Oct 11, 2016 07:21 AM IST
Feminists are divided about Hillary becoming the first female US president
The choice between Clinton and Trump is so stark that feminists won’t trouble her in the coming months. But whether she wins or loses, her feminist legacy will be questioned. Younger feminists are less taken with the “politics of female excellence” than older generations

Updated on Oct 03, 2016 09:49 PM IST
After North Carolina: Reopening the black question
The deaths of the Blacks at the hands of the police have become symbolic indictments not just of the police, but of the broader society

Updated on Sep 30, 2016 03:20 PM IST
Why 2016 could end up as the year when the elections lied
Just like Brexit upset predictions, a Trump victory could topple the edifice of mathematical improbability that has been built against his campaign

Updated on Sep 30, 2016 03:19 PM IST
Culturally and politically, Americans are yet to process the events of 9/11
The 9/11 attacks might have propelled America into the world, but it is damning how shallow mainstream conversation of international affairs remains.

Updated on Sep 12, 2016 08:59 PM IST
Immigration is a useful tool for Trump, a member of elite class
As non-Americans may know, it requires a wilful insularity and ignorance to imagine that the US border is “open.” Americans take for granted their freedom to cross borders everywhere without realising how closed and impenetrable theirs is to everybody else

Published on Sep 05, 2016 09:31 PM IST
Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are symptoms of the return of white nationalism
Trump and Farage have fanned racist, anti-immigrant passions for their own short-term gain. The hateful currents coursing through their politics are part of the wider rise of white nationalism on both sides of the Atlantic

Updated on Aug 29, 2016 11:38 PM IST
When Games become a perfect volley to strike back at the empire
Some sporting duels are not just tests of athletic brilliance. They encapsulate something much larger, freighted with history and its great inequalities

Updated on Aug 22, 2016 11:11 PM IST
The withering of EPL teams’ connection to a local place is unfortunate
The EPL’s administrators continue to gustily muscle into markets in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Local sentiments may not have the strength to restrain the league’s global aspirations.

Updated on Aug 15, 2016 10:26 PM IST
With talks on religion, colour and borders, nativism resurfaces in US elections
It is damning that the language of the 19th century has resurfaced in this electoral season. No matter whether Trump or Clinton win in November, this snarling energy, this forceful fear of the other will remain a threat to the open and embracing ethos of the United States

Updated on Aug 08, 2016 10:46 PM IST
A lot ‘Left’ to be done in American politics
Clinton realises that the Democratic party has changed from the party that twice elected her husband to the White House. Sanders’ campaign made visible a significant shift in political beliefs

Updated on Aug 01, 2016 11:05 PM IST
White male grievance is shaping the US presidential election this time
There are three strands in the welter of angry emotions pushing Trump closer to the White House

Updated on Jul 25, 2016 09:10 AM IST
Cheerleaders shame Indian cricket
The IPL’s reliance on foreign cheerleaders reinforces unsavoury Indian stereotypes about sex and women.

Updated on Apr 04, 2010 04:47 PM IST
Hindustan Times | Kanishk Tharoor, Mumbai
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