Bihar Board Class 12th Admit Card 2025: BSEB releases Inter admit cards, here's how students can collect
Bihar Board Class 12th Admit Card 2025: The admit cards are available through school login at
BSEB Bihar Board Class 12th Admit Card 2025: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released admit cards for the Class 12th or Intermediate final examinations on

As per the tentative calendar, the board was expected to release the BSEB 12th admit card on January 21. However, the board went ahead and released it on January 15.
The admit cards are available through school login on the website mentioned above. The board has asked heads of schools to log in with their user IDs and passwords to download the admit cards.
School heads will sign and stamp the admit cards and give them to the students.
Students cannot download their admit cards directly from the website. They have to visit their schools to collect the document.
The BSEB has already released Bihar board Matric admit cards.
Bihar board Class 12 Practical exams are being conducted from January 10 to 20. Class 10, practical exams and internal assessments are scheduled for January 21 and 23.
Bihar board Inter theory examinations are scheduled for February 1 to 15, and the Matric final examinations are scheduled for February 17 to 25.
Both Class 10 and 12 theory exams will be held in two shifts, starting at 9:30 am and 2 pm
Students will get fifteen minutes as cool-off time before answering the questions.
For Science stream students, the Class 12 final exam will begin with the Biology paper.
Arts stream students will appear for the Philosophy paper in the morning shift and for the Economics paper in the afternoon shift.
Class 12 Commerce stream exams will begin with the Economics paper.
Class 10 final exams will begin with Mother Language (Urdu, Bangla, Maithili) papers.
Bihar board Matric and Inter results will be announced in March or April.