CBSE Class 12 Maths Paper 2023: Download sample papers, syllabus, question bank
CBSE Class 12 Maths Paper 2023 will be conducted on March 11, 2023. Candidates can check sample papers, syllabus, question bank and other details below.
Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct CBSE Class 12 Maths Paper 2023 on March 11, 2023. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics paper will be conducted on Saturday, March 11 from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm across the country at various exam centres.

The Mathematics sample papers, marking scheme, syllabus and question bank for class 12 is available to candidates on the official site of CBSE Academic at
As per the sample papers for both Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, the maximum marks is 80. The time duration of the exam is 3 hours. The question paper comprises of five sections A, B, C, F and E. Each section is compulsory. Section - A carries 20 marks weightage, Section - B carries 10 marks weightage, Section - C carries 18 marks weightage, Section - D carries 20 marks weightage and Section - E carries 3 case-based with total weightage of 12 marks.
CBSE Class 12 Maths Paper 2023: Sample Paper for Mathematics
CBSE Class 12 Maths Paper 2023: Sample Paper for Applied Mathematics
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023 question papers, marking scheme and syllabus is given below.
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023: Mathematics Marking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023: Applied Mathematics Marking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023: Marking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023: Mathematics syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2023: Applied Mathematics syllabus
Candidates will have to reach the exam centre at 10 am on the exam day. As per CBSE's dress code, candidates must wear school uniform and identity cards for the board exams. They must also carry printed copies of admit cards.