Karnataka KSEEB SSLC 10th Result 2022: Class 10 result out, 85.63% pass
Karnataka KSEEB SSLC 10th Result 2022 has been declared. The Class 10 result can be checked by candidates through the official site given below.
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Boardhas declared Karnataka KSEEB SSLC 10th Result 2022. Candidates who have appeared for Class 10 board examination can check the result through the official site of KSEEB on sslc.karnataka.gov.in and karresults.nic.in at 1 pm.
This year the overall pass percentage is 85.63 percent for Karnataka SSLC result 2022. This year the overall pass percentage of girls are 90.29 percent and boys is 81.30 percent. 8,53,436 students attended the examination out of which 7,30,881 students passed the exam. Live Updates
The result was announced by State Education Minister. The Minister announced the result along with overall pass percentage and merit list. The direct link to check result for Class 10 is given below.
Around 8.73 lakh candidates have registered themselves for the Karnataka SSLC board examination out of which four are transgender candidates, 4,52,732 male and 4,21,110 female candidates.The examination was conducted from March 28 to April 11, 2022 across the state. The provisional answer key was released on April 12. For more related details candidates can check the official site of KSEEB.