TN SSLC Result 2022 Live : Tamil Nadu 10th Result out, Kanyakumari district tops

TN SSLC Result 2022 Live Updates: Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) has declared TN SSLC Result 2022 on June 20, 2022. The Class 10 results will be announced at 12 noon today. Direct link to check the TN SSLC result . Candidates who took the TN SSLC examination can check the result at the official websites at,, More
Around 9 lakh students have appear for TN SSLC examination every year.
TN SSLC or class 10th examination was held from May 6 to May 30.
Last year, the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE), Tamil Nadu released the TN SSLC result on August 23.
SSLC Result Tamil Nadu: 90.1% pass
This year a total of 4,60,120 boys candidates have appeared for the examination out of which 3,94,920 have passed. A total of 4,52,499 Girls candidates have appeared for the TN SSLC exam out of which 4,27,073 passed.
TN SSLC Result 2022: 93.27% differently abled candidates passed
This year a total of 93.27% of differently abled candidates have passed the TN SSLC examination.
TN Board 10th Result 2022: Vellore district has lowest pass %
TN SSLC or class 10th result declared. VELLORE district has the lowest pass percentage of 79.87%.
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result: 912620 candidates appeared
Marks: Number of students
Above 495: 65
491-495 564
486-490 1439
481-485 2400
451-480 28178
401-450 83405
351-400 119997
301-350 155668
Less Than 300 520904
TOTAL 912620
TN SSLC result link out: Where to check
TN SSLC or class 10th result is available on the
TN SSLC result out: Link here
TN SSLC or class 10th result out. Candidates who took the examination can check the result here.
TN SSLC Result 2022: Kanyakumari district topped
TN SSLC or class 10th result announced. This year Kanyakumari district has topped the TN class 10th examination with 97.22%.
SSLC Result Tamil Nadu: Subject wise pass percent
Language: 94.84%
English: 96.18%
Mathematics: 90.89%
Science: 93.67%
Social Science: 91.86%
10th Result Tamil Nadu: Girls out shine boys
TN SSLC result declared. Girls out scored boys in TN SSLC class 10th result with the pass percentage of 94.4% while boys scoured the pass percentage of 85.8%.
TN 10th Result 2022: Last 5 years pass percent
2022: 90.1%
2021: 100 %
2020: 100 %
2019: 95.2%
2018: 94.5%
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result 2022: Pass percentage
TN SSLC result overall pass percent: 90.1%
TN SSLC result Girls pass percent: 94.4%
TN SSLC result Boys pass percent: 85.8%
TN Board class 10th result: 821994 passed
This year a total of (3,94,920) boys and (4,27,073) girls have passed the TN SSLC or class 10th examination.
TN 10th Result 2022: 90.1% students pass
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) ha released the TN SSLC result. This year a total of 9,12,620 candidates have appeared for the examination out of which a total of 821994 candidates passed.
TN SSLC Result: SSLC results released
Candidates can check their result through registration number and date of birth at In addition, examination results are available free of charge at the National Informatics Centers operating at the District Collector's Office in each district and at all Central and Branch Libraries.
TN 10th Result 2022: How to check result
Visit the official site of TN Results on
Click on TN Class 10 Result 2022 link available on the home page.
Enter the login details and click on submit.
Your result will be displayed on the screen.
Check the result and download the provisional marksheet.
Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
Tamil Nadu Board Result: Plus 2 and SSLC result
In the Tamil Nadu Board exam results the overall pass percentage for TN HSC is 93.76 percent, while for Class 10 the overall pass percent is 90.07 percent.
10th Result Tamil Nadu: Candidates can check result through registration number
Tamil Nadu Board has declared the SSLC result. Once the link is active candidates can check Tamil Nadu 10th result 2022 by registration number on the official website,
Tamil Nadu Class 10 Result 2022: 90.07 % pass
The Tamil Nadu board of education has released the TN Class 10th result 2022, the overall pass percentage is 90.07 percent.
TN Board 10th Result 2022: Link will be activated shortly
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) has declared TN SSLC Result 2022. The result link will be activated shortly.
Tamil Nadu Board Result: 90.07% passed TN SSLC exam
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) has declared the TN SSLC result. This year the over all pass percentage is 90.07%.
Tamil Nadu Class 10 Result 2022 declared
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) has declared TN SSLC Result. The result link to check the result result will be available at 12 noon.
10th Result Tamil Nadu: Result will be communicated through registered mobile numbers
Exam results will be communicated to school students by SMS to the mobile number provided in the affidavit form filed to the schools they attended, as well as the mobile number provided when enrolling online for the individual.
TN SSLC result 2022 releasing today: Websites to check
TN Board 10th Result 2022 releasing today: TN Plus 2 result out
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) has announced the TN Plus 2 or HSC result. Here's the direct link to check result.
TN SSLC result will be out at 12 noon.
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result 2022: Know how to check
Visit the official website at
Click on the link that reads ‘Class 12th SSLC result 2022’
Key in your credintials and log in
Check the details and click on submit
Download and take a printout for future reference
Tamil Nadu Board SSLC Result 2022: Where to keep an eye
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) will declare TN SSLC Result 2022 at 12 noon.
TN SSLC result releasing today at
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) will declare TN SSLC Result 2022 at
TN 10th Result 2022 Date and time
TN SSLC Result Date: June 20
TN SSLC Result Timing:12.00 noon.
TN Board 10th Result 2022: Provisional Marking Certificates
Once the examination results are declared, Provisional Marking Certificates can be accessed at This provisional marks certificate is valid for 90 days from the date of publication of the examination results.
TN 10th Result 2022: Where to check
Tamil Nadu Class 10 Result 2022
Anbil Mahesh, the Education Minister, will today announce the results of the Plus 2 and Class X S.S.L.C examinations held in Tamil Nadu.
TN Board 10th Result 2022: Last year's pass percent
Last year the board cancelled TN SSLC examination owing to second wave of COVID 19 pandemic. The overall pass percentage last year was 100%
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result: Live updates
The TN SSLC or class 10 board examinations were held from May 6 to 30, 2022. The exams were conducted in an offline mode from 10 am 10 1:15 pm.
TN SSLC result: Websites to check result 2022 12th result 12th
Tamil Nadu 10th Marksheet: How to download
Visit the official site of TN Results on
Click on TN Class 10 Result link available on the page.
Enter the login details and click on submit.
Your result will be available on the page.
Download the provisional marksheet for further need.
SSLC Result Tamil Nadu: Credentials required to check result
Registration number
Date of birth
TN 10th Result 2022: When was exam conducted
TN SSLC or class 10th examination was held from May 6 to May 30, 2022 at various exam centres across the state. The exam was conducted in offline mode.
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result 2022: List of websites
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result: Date and Time
Tamil Nadu SSLC Result will be announced on June 20, 2022. The Class 10 results will be declared at 12 pm.
TN SSLC 2022: Exam result tomorrow
The Tamil Nadu class 10 or SSLC board exams were held between May 6 and May 30, 2022. The examination was held from 10 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
TN SSLC result tomorrow
Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu (TNDGE) will announce result of TN SSLC exam 2022 or class 10th result tomorrow on June 20.