BPSC TRE 3.0 exam centre details today on bpsc.bih.nic.in, test from July 17
Candidates can check their exam centres on their dashboards after logging in to bpsc.bih.nic.in.
BPSC TRE 3.0: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) will share exam centre details for the Teacher Recruitment Examination (TRE 3.0) today, July 17. Candidates can check their exam centres on their dashboards after logging in to bpsc.bih.nic.in.

The admit cards of the TRE were released on July 9.
Read: BPSC gears up for TRE-3 after paper leak embarrassment last time
The exam will be held from July 19 to 22, and the subject-wise detailed schedule is available on the commission's website.
Candidates will be allowed to enter the exam centre up to one hour before the examination commences. After the exam is over,candidates can exit only after the OMR sheets are sealed.
The teacher recruitment exam will be held on 19, 20, 21 and 22. On the first three days, the exam will be held in single shifts. On July 19, Mathematics and Science, Social Science, Hindi, English, Sanskrit and Urdu (for Class 6 to Class 8) exams will be conducted.
Read: BPSC TRE 3 re-exam dates announced, check time table here
On July 20, General, Urdu, Bangla (classes 1 to 5) examinations will be held.
On the third day, candidates will appear for Hindi, Bangla, Urdu, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, English, Science, Mathematics, Fine Art, Dance, Physical Education, Maithili, Music and Social Science examinations for classes 9-10 under the Bihar Education Department and for Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Physical Education examinations for classes 6-10 under the SC, ST Welfare Department.
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On the last day, the exam will be held in two shifts.
The exam will be held for all subjects for teachers in classes 11-12 at Education and SC, ST Welfare Department schools in the morning shift.
In the afternoon shift, exams will be held for Computer, Music, Art subjects for classes 6 to 10 teachers at SC, ST Welfare Department schools.