CSIR UGC NET Exam 2024 postponed, new exam date will be announced later
CSIR UGC NET Exam 2024 has been postponed. The new exam date will be announced later on the official website.
National Testing Agency, NTA has postponed CSIR UGC NET Exam 2024. The Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Examination June-2024 has been postponed and the new exam date will be announced later. The official notice is available on the official website of NTA at nta.ac.in.

The examination was scheduled to be held between June 25 to June 27, 2024, which has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances as well as logistic issues.
The official notice reads, “The candidates are hereby informed that the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Examination June-2024 which was scheduled to be held between 25.06.2024 to 27.06.2024 is being postponed due to unavoidable circumstances as well as logistic issues. The revised schedule for the conduct of this examination will be announced later through the official website.”
The Advance Intimation of Examination City allotted to the applicants of the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June-2024 along with schedule of Examination was informed to all the candidates on June 15, 2024.
CSIR UGC NET examination was scheduled to be conducted on June 25 and 26, 2024 in two shifts- first shift from 9 am to 12 noon and second shift from 3 pm to 6 pm.
The Joint CSIR-UGC-NET is a test conducted to determine eligibility for junior research fellowship and assistant professor and admission to PhD in science courses.
For any queries or /clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011- 40759000 or 011-69227700 write to NTA at csirnet@nta.ac.in. For more related details candidates can check the official website of NTA CSIR UGC NET.
Official Notice Here