CSIR UGC NET final answer key 2024 out at csirnet.nta.ac.in, results next
CSIR UGC NET Result 2024: The final answer key can be checked on csirnet.nta.ac.in. Direct link below.
CSIR UGC NET Result 2024: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the final answer key of the CSIR-UGC joint NET examination. Candidates can download the final answer key for all exam days, shifts and all subjects from the official website, csirnet.nta.ac.in. The direct link is given below.

As seen in the final answer key, one question from the Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences paper held on September 25 has been dropped, several questions from the Mathematical Sciences paper held that day, and one from the Life Sciences paper held on July 26 (1st shift) have multiple correct answers.
As per the information bulletin of CSIR NET, if a question is found to be wrong, the benefit of marks will be given to only those candidates who attempted the question.
In a case where more than one option(s) is correct, then marks will be awarded to all those candidates who have attempted any one of the correct options, except in Part C of Mathematical Sciences.
In Part C of Mathematical Sciences, the candidate has to find the correct or best answer to a question. Some questions may have more than one correct answer, and the credit will be given only upon identification of all correct options, the NTA said.
CSIR NET final answer key direct link
The provisional answer key of the CSIR UGC NET examination was released on August 9 and the objection window closed on August 11. With the final answer key released, the NTA is expected to announce the result of the test next.
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When declared, candidates can check the CSIR UGC NET result and download their scorecards using their application number and date of birth.
How to check CSIR UGC NET final answer key?
- Go to csirnet.nta.ac.in.
- Open the final answer key link given on the home page.
- Download the PDF and check the correct answers.
The exam was conducted on July 25, 26, and 27, 2024. The first two days' examinations took place in two shifts—from 9 am to 12 noon and from 3 pm to 6 pm, and the last day's examination took place during the first shift.
The exam was held at 348 centres in 187 cities across the country.