OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2024 date announced at ossc.gov.in, check notice here
OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2024 date have been announced. Check the official notice here.
Odisha Staff Selection Commission has announced OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2024 date. Candidates who want to appear for Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level or Equivalent Recruitment Examination for Specialist Posts/Services- 2024-II can check the notice on the official website of OSSC at ossc.gov.in.

The written test will be held on February 16, 2025 through OMR mode. The prelims examination will comprise of 150 marks questions. The questions will be asked from Arithmetic, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, General Mental Ability, Current Events of National & International Importance and Computer/ Internet Awareness.
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There shall be negative marking for wrong answers. 1/4th of the total mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in case of questions having 4 options, 1/3rd of the total mark for each wrong answer in case of questions having 3 options so on and so forth.
The Commission shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the preliminary written examination as fixed by this Commission in their discretion, for the next stage of the main written examination. OSSC may fi different minimum qualifying marks for different category candidates (UR, SC, ST, SEBC etc.)
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The time and venue of preliminary written test will be available on the admit card or any notice in due course of time.
OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2024: How to download notice
To download the official notice candidates can follow the steps given below.
- Visit the official website of OSSC at ossc.gov.in.
- Click on OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2024 date notice available on the home page.
- A new PDF file will open.
- Check the date and download the page.
- Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
This recruitment drive will fill up 324 Group C posts in the organization. The registration process was started on November 27 and concluded on December 26, 2024.
Official Notice Here