
Gender Equality


Moving gender equity to the mainstream of climate action

Published on Feb 02, 2023 02:27 PM IST

This report has been authored by Farhan Shaikh.

This brief examines the deeper implications of shifting ecological conditions from a standpoint of gender, and proposes constructive ways to bring about equity in the policies that are being created under India’s climate change response plan.(Aly Song/REUTERS)

Is efficiency the key for a sustainable energy policy in India?

The article is based on the study done by Nicholas Ryan. He has field-worked with J-PAL South Asia at IFMR.

The Government of India places a high priority on energy efficiency in manufacturing. (REUTERS)
Updated on Dec 27, 2022 06:36 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Shraddha and Aftab: The Star-Crossed Lovers

The article has been authored by Anita Anand, Clinical Therapist, Greenfields Health and Healing.

Aaftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walkar. (File)
Published on Dec 19, 2022 02:03 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

BC Sakhis: Unlocking rural women’s banking potential

The article has been authored by Kalpana Ajayan, regional head and Ajit Agarwal, lead, strategic partnerships & policy, Women’s World Banking, South Asia.

The government launched the Mission One Gram Panchayat, One BC Sakhi programme in 2019 aiming to create a pool of 1.25 lakh trained and certified women Self Help Group (SHG) members as BC Sakhis. (Shutterstock Photo)
Published on Nov 25, 2022 01:47 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Empower adolescents through comprehensive sexual education

The article has been authored by Debanjana Choudhuri, gender and climate specialist.

From Iesha Learning’s previous sex education workshops. (Photos courtesy: Iesha learning )
Published on Nov 16, 2022 11:29 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

Cruelty against husbands under the Indian law

Nyaaya, an open access, digital resource that provides simple, actionable, reliable and accessible legal information to all Indians.

Nyaaya,  an open access, digital resource that provides simple, actionable, reliable and accessible legal information to all Indians.(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Published on Nov 07, 2022 07:20 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Equality and individual autonomy in reproductive rights: India shows the way

The article has been authored by Susan Ferguson, country representative, UN Women and Andrea Wojnar, country representative, UNFPA

Women’s consent matters – that’s the top takeaway from the Indian Supreme Court (SC)’s judgment on abortion for all women on International Safe Abortion Day.
Updated on Oct 03, 2022 05:21 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Reducing child marriages and teen pregnancies

The article has been authored by Ashish Mukherjee, vice president, Social & Economic Empowerment, IPE Global.

UNICEF estimates that over the next decade, up to 10 million more girls will be at risk of becoming child brides as a result of the pandemic, while the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) projects a figure of 13 million additional child marriages globally over the 2020-2030 decade.
Published on Sep 10, 2022 09:00 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

Redefining masculinity: The dark side of Darlings

The article has been authored by Anita Anand, a development and communications consulant

On August 5, the streaming platform Netflix released the film Darlings, an Indian Hindi-language black comedy drama, co-written and directed by Jasmeet K. Reen.
Published on Aug 29, 2022 06:01 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

Time to enact the Women’s Reservation Bill

The article has been authored by Amar Patnaik, a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha from Odisha.

According to a report by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW) released in 2020, less than a tenth of the over 50,000 candidates contesting central and state elections are women. (HT Archive)
Published on Aug 19, 2022 01:24 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Tribal women have a significant role in India’s transformation

The article has been authored by Swati Piramal, vice-chairperson of the Piramal Group and director of the Piramal Foundation

As India progresses rapidly, the need of the hour is to ensure we develop the collective agency of tribal women to make Sabka Vikas (everyone’s development) a reality. It is indeed time for affirmative action and equitable progress.(AP FILE PHOTO)
Published on Aug 09, 2022 06:00 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

Improving gender equality in non-profit boardrooms

The article has been authored by Neera Nundy, co-founder and partner, of the NGO Dasra and Aarti Madhusudan, founder, of the NGO Governance Counts.

According to a 2021 report by Deloitte, the number of women in boardrooms in India was 17.1%, nearly 3% lower than the global average of 19.7%.(HT Photo)
Updated on Jul 28, 2022 02:46 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Why abortion should be a part of Universal Health Coverage

The article has been authored by Debanjana Choudhuri, climate and gender specialist and Vithika Yadav, campaign advisory group member, Pratigya Campaign for Gender Equality and Safe Abortion.

Access to abortion is an unconditional human right and should be entitled as a basic health care service delivered as a part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).The findings reflected that only 37% of women accessed health care services, as compared to 67% of men.
Published on May 25, 2022 02:57 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

 The key to change: Women’s voice and influence

The article has been authored by Susan Ferguson is the Country Representative of UN Women India Office. UN Women is a member of team UN in India, working together to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Women’s voice in decision-making is critical for the development of all. According to the NFHS-5 data for 2019-21 nearly 88.7% of currently married Indian women tend to participate in key household decisions about healthcare for themselves, or make major household purchases.
Published on May 25, 2022 02:40 PM IST

A "big push" that can put India's poorest women on the path to self-sufficiency

(The study has been authored by  Lipika Kapoor, Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay and Shagun Sabarwal.)

Several studies have shown that the ongoing crisis has hit women in India much harder than men - a greater proportion of them lost their jobs, they ate less, did more unpaid household work and had to endure domestic violence.(Google)
Published on May 19, 2022 03:17 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

The likely end of Roe v Wade

The article has been authored by Kanav Narayan Sahgal, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy.

The Alliance Defending Freedom- a conservative anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage advocacy group- admitted to supporting 15-week abortion bans across states in the US because they knew that such bans would engender opposition from pro-abortion activists who would take these bans to court and accordingly allow Republican-appointed federal judges at the appeals court and Supreme Court level to consider reversing Roe.(REUTERS)
Published on May 03, 2022 06:26 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Keep the focus on increasing female labor force participation

The piece is authored by Drashti Shah, NITI Aayog

Women’s labor force participation rate (LFPR) (20.0%) is considerably low compared to men (56.0%) as per annual PLFS (current weekly status) 2019-20.(Pixabay)
Published on Mar 17, 2022 12:49 PM IST
ByNiti Aayog

Inadequate responses from the health system to sexual and gender-based violence

Leena Menghaney is a lawyer and survivor who works with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).

Efforts to introduce special procedures for survivors of child sexual abuse and laws to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace have taken shape.(Pixabay)
Published on Mar 08, 2022 02:32 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Women's Day Special: Poor health system responses to gender-based violence

The piece has been authored by Leena Menghaney, a lawyer and survivor who works with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

Inadequate responses from the health system to sexual and gender-based violence are putting survivors' health at risk(PTI)
Updated on Mar 08, 2022 11:19 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

Girls deserve equal access to tech and STEM education

The study has been authored by Shilpa Singhal, Founder, Sitare Foundation

Ed-tech also has the promise of helping traditionally underserved girls and women of India pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, leading to far better career options for them. However, a lot of work remains to be done to encourage girls to pursue STEM fields.
Published on Feb 16, 2022 12:01 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Domestic violence and women’s health in India

The study has been authored by Shoba Suri, Mona, and Debosmita Sarkar

The focus of this paper is Domestic Violence—the most common form of GBV against women.(SHUTTERSTOCK)
Published on Jan 30, 2022 06:26 PM IST

The digital divide and is it holding back women in India?

Lotus McDougal, Anita Raj, and Abhishek Singh, on behalf of the GENDER Project

Rural India faces an even more pronounced digital divide, with men being about twice as likely as women to have used the internet (49% vs 25%). While we see the variation in the digital divide by state/Union Territory (UT), there is no single state/UT across India in which more women than men have used the internet.
Published on Jan 16, 2022 05:01 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Keeping children safe online needs a holistic approach

The study has been authored by Dr Manjeer Mukherjee, senior director at Arpan

The study identifies three key online safety concerns that arise are, “hacking or creating of fake profiles, trolling and cyberbullying on gaming platforms and sharing of sexually explicit images and pictures”.(Pixabay)
Published on Dec 10, 2021 03:02 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

What is keeping women from going to work?

This paper has been authored by Neelanjana Gupta who works at IWWAGE. It is a part of an initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE) at LEAD

Women workers wearing masks pluck tea leaves at Kondoli Tea Estate, on the first day of Unlock 1 in Nagaon district of Assam on Monday.(PTI)
Published on Dec 10, 2021 02:24 PM IST

From aspiration to empowerment: Impact of women's collectives

The study has been authored by the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAYNRLM).

The idea is to recognise the extreme vulnerabilities faced by these groups, and ensure targeted use of funds such as the Vulnerability Reduction Fund (VRF) to address their needs.(Praful Gangurde/HT Photo)
Published on Nov 06, 2021 12:35 PM IST

On Her Own Account: Impact of Strengthening Women’s Financial Control 

 The study has been authored by:- Erica Field, Professor of Economics and Global Health, Duke University -Rohini Pande, Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Growth Center, Yale University -Natalia Rigol, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School -Simone Schaner, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Southern California -Charity Troyer Moore, Director for South Asia Economics Research, MacMillan Center, Yale University

The study findings shine a spotlight on the importance of providing women with control over their own income through personal bank accounts and banking training.
Updated on Oct 20, 2021 12:07 PM IST
ByHindustan Times

Sex ratio at birth in India: Recent trends and patterns

The study has been authored by Purushottam M. Kulkarni for the United Nations Population Fund

The instances of gender biased sex selection are obviously not recorded but the numbers of cases can be estimated indirectly based on the deviation of the observed SRB from the natural level.(Representative image)
Published on Oct 12, 2021 05:51 PM IST
ByUnited Nations Population Fund

How can Indians reduce their son bias

The study has been authored by Dr Anjini Kochar who teaches at Stanford University and is a senior fellow at the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation and others

Pandemic reinforces gender inequality, women have just 76% of men’s legal rights(Twitter/G3nderE)
Updated on Sep 22, 2021 09:05 AM IST
ByHindustan Times

How Covid Impacted urban women workforce in India

The study has been authored by Ashwini Deshpande

In August 2020, for women, the likelihood of being employed was 9% points lower than that for men, compared to April 2019, conditional on previous employment
Published on Sep 11, 2021 01:24 PM IST
ByAshoka University

Why do women eat last? Understanding gender bias in India

This piece has been authored by Parvinder Singh, Head- Communications for World Food Programme India

Representational image from the film Great Indian Kitchen.
Published on Sep 02, 2021 07:23 PM IST
ByHindustan Times
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