
Rosé, Bruno Mars' viral APT track is actually based on a Korean drinking game: Here are the rules

Nov 27, 2024 06:35 PM IST

APATEU-PATEU, APTEU-PATEU, APATEU-PATEU, UH, UH-HUH, UH-HUH...we know you're humming it, so might as well pull the drinks out and call it a party!

Never a miss. And that's on BLACKPINK Rosé's limited but banging list of singles. You don't even really need to be chronically online to have your ears catch the beat. It's everywhere. And call it the brain rot doom scrolling or just your subconscious mind keeping yourself on-trend, APT. is a vibe and there's no 2 ways about it. But you know what makes this song a notch above other reel-bangers? It is literally inspired from a Korean drinking game. After all, who doesn't love some good contemporary cultural lore?

Rosé and Bruno Mars' viral APT is not just a foot-tapper, it's also literally inspired from a Korean drinking game: Here's how to play!
Rosé and Bruno Mars' viral APT is not just a foot-tapper, it's also literally inspired from a Korean drinking game: Here's how to play!

The rules

There are actually only 4 things to keep in mind. The kick-off chant, the number, the count and the stack. We say 'only' here because we don't yet have a drink in our hands. When piling on the shots, this simple sequence too might feel too tough to keep track of — a good thing as it sets the stage for unintended comedy of errors. Now back to the game, it begins with the starter player who must chant, "(their name) favourite game, game start!" Sound familiar? Well of course, this is also how the song kickstarts! The chant will be followed by them calling out a number. Now for the fun hand-smacking part, everyone starts piling their hands on top of one another. The goal is to count to the number called out by the starter player. Whoever with their hand then, ends up on top of the stack, must down another drink. That's it, that's the game, and it sounds like the perfect little cutesy detour for an evening in with friends. If you're still a bit confused as to how the sequence plays out, Rosé also recently shared a visual guide of the how the game should proceed, and also how fun it can be.

So what's stopping you? Huddle up your friends and start belting out APATEU-PATEU, APATEU-PATEU...

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