
Sun debuts in Aquarius: THESE zodiac signs set to flip the script by embracing their independence!

Jan 20, 2025 10:09 PM IST

Miss Independent! Miss Self-sufficient! As we roll into Aquarius' dates for 2025, are you ready to embrace this vibe as the Sun debuts in the zodiac sign?

It's the era of the delightfully absurd and the mighty Sun's debut in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, incidentally just as we officially enter the year's stretch of Aquarius season, is only signaling us to unearth and let lose the most whacky aspects of ourselves to allow long-term gratification into our lives.

The Sun enters Aquarius: An era of independence and self-reliance to dawn on THESE zodiac signs(Photos: Pinterest, Astrostyle)
The Sun enters Aquarius: An era of independence and self-reliance to dawn on THESE zodiac signs(Photos: Pinterest, Astrostyle)

Now while the term 'independence' essentially holds a more mainstream context and traditionally demands adherance to structure and rules, Aquarius being the centrifugal point of this stretch of the cosmos' movements, melds the sentiment into those of creativity and innovation, wrapped up in some humanitarianism (hence a signal to the collective good), the key facets which define the zodiac sign in the Sun's burning spotlight. Thus, what is upon us, are energies which are asking us to not only have faith in, but also encourage our true authentic self which is what will help us ascend into our very own era of self-sufficiency and self-assuredness.


It's a big little stretch for Aries as the Sun's move through Aquarius impacts the fellow Air sign's 11th house of friendships, community affairs and future visions, giving it quite the boost. Even if gregarious networking isn't your personality type, you are being called upon to make it so. Not only will you find yourself enjoying the chitter-chatter dunked hustle but you never know what just one right connection could end up enabling in your life.


It's all about decluttering for Virgos this transit! Now while you may not take a Virgo to be a hoarder, let alone a chaotic one, the term here also refers to spiritual decluttering. Make healthier choices, both with what goes into your body as well as what you allow your mind to feed and dwell on. It's all about understanding that only you have the power to allow energies in, good or bad, to impact you.


All divine third eyes are on Aquarius and this is their time to step up and with full consciousness take charge of their lives. The facets of their lives that the Sun will be impacting the most are personal identity and desires. With this, Mercury as well as Pluto coming in with their respective energies, Aquarius is being asked to focus on keeping a calm centre as their world turns upside down (for the better!).


For Pisces the transit in question happens to be impacting their 12th house of privacy, inhibitions, dreams and unconscious patterns. What better opportunity then, than to hit the pedals on your inner work so as to identify passions, goals and long-term visions you never really thought were quite within reach, or even worthy of contemplation? Setting intentions is the first step and that is what Pisces are being called upon to do.

Are you ready to tap into your most authentic self?

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