Digvijaya Singh said Narottam Mishra does not even spare the MP of his own party after the home minister referred to Hema Malini in a speech.
Madhya Pradesh home minister Narottam Mishra courted controversy as the video of his speech in which he counted 'making Hema Malini' dance as a work for his constituency went viral. As Narottam Mishra counted the development works that he did for Datia, he said not only cultural programmes were organised in Datia, but he 'made Hema Malini dance'.
Datia is Narottam Mishra's stronghold and it will be Mishra's 4th time from Datia in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly election 2023.
Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said Hema Malini is a BJP MP but Narottam Mishra did not spare even his own party MP. "Listen to the real meanness of the honourable minister of Sanskari BJP towards women," Digvijaya Singh tweeted sharing the video.
The 230-member Madhya Pradesh assembly will go to the elections on November 7. The campaign has reached an acerbic height with both BJP and the Congress fighting tooth and nail eyeing the state which is one of the four going to the polls next month.