Madhya Pradesh has the highest crime rate against Dalits
MP had the highest crime rate against people belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) groups in 2021, according to NCRB data.
Madhya Pradesh had the highest crime rate against people belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) groups in 2021, the latest year for which National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) data is available. The state also had the highest crime rate against SCs in 2020, and was ranked second (behind Rajasthan) in 2019, the data shows. These numbers suggest that anecdotal accounts of repeated atrocities against Dalits in Madhya Pradesh reflect a pattern rather than an aberration.

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However, the rate at which charge sheets were filed was higher in Madhya Pradesh than in most Indian states, suggesting that while the state police may have been unable to prevent such crimes, it at least pursued them in court more effectively than most other states.
Crime rate (against SCs) is the number of crimes per 100,000 (SC) population. To be sure, NCRB reports still use the 2011 Census population numbers – the 2021 Census has been delayed indefinitely by the government -- to calculate the crime rate for later years, which means that the crime rate calculations might have changed.
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Crime rates are a better way to make interstate comparisons because they adjust for an upward/downward bias in absolute number of crimes due to higher/lower population in a state.
The crimes includes all crimes/atrocities committed against SCs and not just those which was filed under the Prevention of Atrocities against SC/ST Act. To be sure, the number does not vary a lot. For example, in 2021 there were 50,900 incidents of crime against SCs in the country. This number was 7,214 for Madhya Pradesh. The number of cases where the Prevention of Atrocities against SC/ST act was invoked was 45,610 at the all-India level and 7,211 for Madhya Pradesh.
Madhya Pradesh had a crime rate of 63.6 against SCs in 2021 against the national average of 25.3. These numbers were 60.8 and 46.7 for Madhya Pradesh in 2020 and 2019. The all-India crime rate against SCs was 25 in 2020 and 22.8 in 2019. Rajasthan was ranked second in terms of crime rate in 2021 and 2020 and it was ranked first in 2019.
Data on crime rate against Scheduled Tribes (STs) shows that Kerala topped the list in all three years between 2019 and 2021. Rajasthan was ranked second in all three years and Madhya Pradesh was ranked fifth in 2019, fourth in 2020 and third in 2021.
NCRB reports also give information on police action or lack of it against such crimes. When it comes to charge-sheet rates – it is defined as the share of cases in which charge sheets have been filed in total cases disposed of by the police – related to crimes against SCs, Madhya Pradesh seems to be performing better as per 2021 data, when it was ranked second only after Sikkim. Rajasthan, whose crime rates against SCs is close to Madhya Pradesh’s levels, showed a poor charge-sheet rate in 2021. Assam had the lowest charge-sheet rate in crimes against SCs in 2021. Madhya Pradesh performed well even when it came to filing charge sheets in crimes against STs.