The 1.5-degree threshold is among the key objectives of the Paris Agreement, and considered crucial to prevent irreversible damages because of global warming
That 2023 will be the warmest recorded year is almost a given. The more interesting question, as far as the climate crisis is concerned, is whether the planet will also breach the 1.5-degree warming compared to the pre-industrial average barrier in 2023. The 1.5-degree threshold is among the key objectives of the Paris Agreement, and considered crucial for preventing irreversible damages because of global warming. An HT analysis of various long-term datasets shows that while the 1.5-degree barrier could be breached in at least one as differences in the way global warming is measured lead to varying estimates of global warming in 2023.
People suffer from heat stress when their bodies are unable to compensate for the heat and properly cool themselves.(Bidesh Manna/HT Photo)
2023 will be the warmest year, but will it also breach 1.5°C threshold?