STRIKE OR no strike, the Civil Aviation Ministry will open the bids for the modernisation of the Delhi and Mumbai airports at 3.30 p.m. on Tuesday. Civil Aviation Secretary Ajay Prasad told HT: "We are going ahead with the opening of the bids.
STRIKE OR no strike, the Civil Aviation Ministry will open the bids for the modernisation of the Delhi and Mumbai airports at 3.30 p.m. on Tuesday.
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Civil Aviation Secretary Ajay Prasad told HT: "We are going ahead with the opening of the bids. All the qualified bidders have been informed to be present. We have not received any official intimation from the Employees Joint Forum regarding any industrial action, but I guess there will be some sort of action."
Prasad said the eGoM-appointed committee headed by AAI member (finance) V.D.V. Prasad Rao will open the bids and there was no going back on that. After the bids are opened, the eGoM will meet in the evening to evaluate the result and may take it further to the cabinet before making a final announcement.
While the ministry may be concerned over changing the RFP (request for proposal) midway, the way forward appears to be giving GMR the choice to select between Delhi and Mumbai airports, as also to match the highest bid from among the four selected bidders (other three bidders are Reliance, DS and GVK).
For instance, if the highest bid is from B, C or D, then GMR -- which is A as per the Committee of Secretaries recommendation -- will be given the first right of refusal to match the highest bid.