March 10, when Dalai Lama came to India
On this day in 1862, US issued its first paper money.
Today is March 10, the seventieth day of the year.
There are 295 days left in the year.

Highlights in history on this date:
1496 - Christopher Columbus concludes his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he leaves Hispaniola for Spain.
1624 - England declares war on Spain; Dutch send expedition to Bahia, Brazil.
1629 - England's King Charles I dissolves Parliament and doesn't call it back for 11 years.
1848 - U.S. Senate ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the war with Mexico.
1862 - Britain and France recognize independence of Zanzibar; the U.S. government issues its first paper money.
1864 - Ulysses S. Grant becomes commander of the Union armies during the American Civil War.
1876 - The first successful voice transmission over Alexander Graham Bell's telephone takes place in Boston as his assistant hears Bell say, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."
1893 - French colonies of French Guinea and Ivory Coast are formally established.
1919 - Nationalists riot in Cairo following deportation from Egypt of Said Zaghul Pasha.
1922 - Strikes break out in Johannesburg, South Africa, and martial law is declared.
1942 - Rangoon, Burma, Myanmar, falls to Japanese forces in World War II.
1946 - Italian women vote for the first time.
1949 - Nazi wartime broadcaster Mildred E. Gillars, also known as "Axis Sally," is convicted in Washington, D.C., of treason. She served 12 years in prison.
1952 - Soviet Union proposes four-power conference on unification and disarmament of Germany.
1959 - The Dalai Lama leads a rebellion against Chinese rule. The revolt fails and the Dalai Lama flees to India.
1969 - James Earl Ray pleads guilty in Memphis, Tennessee, to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., but later repudiates his plea.
1972 - Cambodia's Premier Lon Nol takes over complete control of Cambodian government.
1975 - North Vietnam troops seize most of South Vietnam's provincial capital of Ban Me Thuot in central highlands; Carla Hills becomes the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; the third woman to hold a cabinet position in United States.
1989 - About 100,000 workers move into Iraq's war-battered southern port of Basra to hasten reconstruction'
1990 - Georgia becomes the fourth Soviet republic to condemn its annexation to the Soviet Union.
1992 - NATO allies welcome 10 former Soviet republics into special forum giving one-time adversaries a chance to discuss security problems.
1994 - The leader of the South African apartheid homeland Bophutatswana retreats from his capital in the face of a popular uprising after he tries to boycott participation in South Africa's first all-races election.
1996 - Palestinian police arrest the commander of the military wing of the radical Muslim movement Hamas, which has claimed responsibility for recent bombings in Israel.
1997 - Despite U.S. reservations, the Vatican establishes diplomatic relations with Libya.
1998 - Gen. Augusto Pinochet, the 82-year-old former dictator of Chile, steps down from his position as army commander and is sworn in as senator for life under a provision written into the constitution by his regime.
2000 - Scientists discover the bones of what could be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk the Earth _ a needle-nosed, razor-toothed beast _ in Patagonia, a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America.
2003 - North Korea test-fires a second ground-to-ship missile over the Sea of Japan. The launches are widely seen as provocations intended to prod the U.S. to open negotiations with N Korea over its recently resumed nuclear program.
2004 - Lee Boyd Malvo, the teenager who teamed up with John Allen Muhammad to terrorize the Washington area in a sniper spree that left 10 people dead in 2002, is formally sentenced to life in prison without parole. Muhammad is given the death penalty by a judge in Prince William County a day earlier.
Today's Birthdays:
Friedrich Schlegel, German poet (1772-1829)
Prince Edward, fourth child of England's Queen Elizabeth II (1964--)
David Rabe, U.S. playwright (1940--)
Chuck Norris, U.S. actor (1940--)
Sharon Stone, U.S. actress (1958--)
Edie Brickell, U.S. singer (1966--)