
The knowledge bar

Hindustan Times | ByH H Sadhguru, Jaggi Vasudev
May 11, 2010 11:59 PM IST

Let us draw a clear line between intelligence and knowledge. Intelligence is like a flashlight. If you flash it, it’ll just show you what’s there. Knowledge is like a projector; if you switch it on, it projects its own story.

Let us draw a clear line between intelligence and knowledge. Intelligence is like a flashlight. If you flash it, it’ll just show you what’s there. Knowledge is like a projector; if you switch it on, it projects its own story.

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If you meet me when I am just getting off the car, and if you ask me what’s today’s lesson, I would say I don’t know a damn thing. I don’t have the burden of knowledge in me. People who are burdened by knowledge cannot smile, cannot laugh and cannot be open to many things.

If I walk on the street, I don’t walk with the burden of knowledge in me. I have no knowledge, but intelligence is something that everybody is endured with; but they are keeping their flashlights covered. Because they like it so much, that they, let us say, paint the glass with their own designs. And now they don’t see anything the way it is. If you value your intelligence, you should not paint it with anything, you must just leave it the way it is.

The moment your intelligence gets entangled with identifications, it is all screwed up. It’s all distorted. It doesn’t show you things the way they are. It’ll distort everything, depending upon what types of identities you have taken.

You need to understand this, if you sit here with any kind of identification, you will not see anything the way it is because the very structure of the mind will function from that identity. If you have no identifications at all, then your mind will become still, empty like the sky.

It can contain everything at the same time and not be burdened by anything because it is not a box that holds something. Knowledge means certain accumulation of ideas, facts. In that sense, knowledge is an impediment. But if you see things the way they are, then that is not an impediment. That is the only way you can walk clearly.

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