THE COMMANDING officer (CO) of an armoured regiment is being treated for multiple fractures of the lower limbs at an army hospital in Delhi after he was beaten by another officer of the regiment. The junior officer suspected the CO of having an affair with his wife.
THE COMMANDING officer (CO) of an armoured regiment is being treated for multiple fractures of the lower limbs at an army hospital in Delhi after he was beaten by another officer of the regiment. The junior officer suspected the CO of having an affair with his wife.
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The incident took place over a month back in Hisar, where the regiment is currently stationed. It was kept under wraps even as the army initiated the process of conducting an inquiry. The involvement of some other junior officers of the regiment in planning the assault is not being ruled out.
Sources said after the junior officer learnt of his wife's affair with the CO, an officer of colonel rank, he asked his brother to come over and planned to trap the CO.
The junior officer made his wife call up the CO and invite him to their house. After the CO arrived, the junior officer and his brother set upon him.
Under military law, 'stealing the affections of a brother officer's wife' is a serious offence.