
We haven't moved beyond bikinis: Sanobar

PTI |, New Delhi
Apr 15, 2005 09:59 AM IST

Things haven't been the same after Shefali Jariwala ko 'Kaanta Laga'. While nudity in films stopped at theatres, the women of remix videos stepped right into homes. But Sanobar Kabir insists the paranoia about music albums is misplaced. See Pictures

Things have never been the same after Shefali Jariwala ko Kaanta Laga. While nudity in films stopped at theatres, the women of raunchy remix videos stepped right into Indian homes.

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But singing sensation Sanobar Kabir insists that the paranoia surrounding music albums is completely misplaced. According to her, there's nothing remarkable about exposure today.

"I am surprised that we have changed so little in all these years. From what I know Sharmila Togore and Zeenat Aman were posing in bikinis on magazine covers even 25 years ago. We haven't moved beyond that. On the one hand you have TV channels showing bold serials like Sex and the City and on the other hand questions are raised about exposure in video albums and films. Believe me, we still have a long way to go.

"As far as my own videos are concerned, I only wear dresses that I have no problems wearing in normal life - stuff like back lift tops. I was not born in a village somewhere in UP or MP, but in Mumbai. These things are pretty normal for me. I don't I have ever exposed unnecessarily or looked vulgar in my songs," she says.

According to 'Baby Doll' Deepal Shaw, whose schoolgirl act got steamier and her skirt shorter in her second album, an increasingly liberal outlook has also been accompanied by more refined tastes. "We need to understand what the new generation in this country wants. They are not like us. They are far bolder and open in their thinking than us. Things are no longer what they used to be some ten or twenty years ago. It is remarkable that exposure in music videos has not stopped the audience from making their own choices. Only things that are in good taste and entertaining will be accepted. So not only have people become more liberal in their thinking, they have also learnt to differentiate between bad and good and obscene and glamorous," she claims.

Although the two were at loggerheads over their sexed-up versions of Geeta Dutt's classic Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar number, this time Deepal finds unexpected support from sultry temptress Shefali Jariwala. "The way our video albums sell in the market should tell you everything. It's obvious that tastes have changed drastically. The new generation accepts sex and nudity as part of their lives. They talk openly about everything that used to be spoken of in hush-hush tones in the past. It is only the older people who raise a hue and cry. We cannot do justice to our younger audience if we adhere to the traditional way of thinking. It is important that we talk about sex and issues related to sex. The good sign is that things are changing - slowly, but thank God, they are at least changing!" quips Shefali.

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