India drinks more whisky than any other country. But most of it has been flavoured neutral alcohol. The real stuff, made from grain, is now brewed locally
Are you surprised by all the hype around high-quality Indian whisky? A little taken aback, perhaps, by claims that Indian whiskies are among the best in the world? Staggered by the number of awards Indian whiskies are supposed to have won at international competitions that you have never heard of?
Scotch is usually made from barley. And McDowells’ new single-malt is a step up from the usual flavoured spirit.
McDowells’ new single-malt has a rich flavour reminiscent of Christmas pudding.Amrut went for the foreign market, earned a good reputation, and was eventually launched here.Diageo created a whisky made in Rajasthan, naming it Godawan to reflect the terroir.Diageo’s first batch of Epitome was made from old barrels of rice spirit Vijay Mallya laid down years ago.Real whisky, made in India, is well loved and regarded. Indri is served everywhere.