When life gives you lemons…: 5 fruits and veggies that are easiest to grow at home
Don't throw away the fruit seeds, give them a second life by planting them. Here are some fruits that can easily grow at home.
Fruits are nature’s treats, pulpy candies packed with natural goodness. Mainstream conditioning makes fruits appear bland. But is it so? From tangy citrus to sugary delights, indulging in fruits is refreshing, an explosion of juicy flavours. Rich in minerals and vitamins, they offer countless health benefits and are a healthier alternative to impulsive snacking.

However, sometimes, the pesky seeds get in the way; one wrong bite and the flavours become bitter. But here’s to turning lemons into lemonades, don’t toss the seeds away. They have the potential to germinate into plants, so during the next fruit-bearing season, you can skip one of your supermarket trips. Here are some fruit seeds that can germinate easily at home with a little love and patience.

Winters are incomplete without the fan-favourite citrus fruit, orange. Loaded with Vitamin C and memories, oranges take us down memory lane. Basking in the winter sun with your mom peeling an orange is a core memory. But the annoying seed has to ruin the sweet and sour flavour of oranges. Look on the bright side, save the seeds, and you will have your own orange plant.
Remove the orange seed, ensuring it’s in good condition without any dents or discolouration. It must be fresh to germinate, so avoid dried seeds. Soak it in water for 30 minutes. Then, take two lightly soaked cotton pads, sprinkle a little cinnamon on one of them, and place the seed on top. Cover the seed with the other cotton pad. Store this in an airtight container and place it in a dark, warm location. After about a week, when the seed has sprouted, plant it in the soil and cover it with a tiny glass to maintain humidity. Water it occasionally, and it will grow in no time.

Live your cottage-core fantasies and grow your own strawberries. Wearing coquette bow in your hair and picking your homegrown berries seems like a Pinterest dream. Strawberry is an aromatic berry, with a tangy flavour note and a sweeter undernote. The pleasant tanginess is juicy and flavourful with a rustic floral taste. This winter berry is loaded with antioxidants, boosting immunity. The strawberry seeds are on the skin of the berry, so carefully slice the skin, and let it dry. After the slices dry, the seeds easily come off. Now sprinkle the seeds on the soil and let them grow. Hanging woven baskets are recommended for strawberry plants.

You are having your comforting soul food ‘Daal Chawal,’ but it’s not vibing the way it should. Then you realise it’s missing the flavour powerhouse, lime. The citrusy burst elevates any dish with its tangy flavour kick. Lime is frequently used in Indian cuisine to add more depth to the flavours. It is an essential ingredient for garnishing in many international cuisines as well. Don’t let an empty supermarket stash leave your soul food incomplete. Grow your limes so that your soul food strikes the right chord every time.
Soak the lime seed in water for six hours. Carefully trim the tip of the seed and peel off its outer layer. Plant the seed about 1.2 inches deep in the soil, then water it and cover it with a glass to maintain humidity. The seed will sprout and grow into a beautiful lime tree.

Tomatoes are imposters, fruits making a name for themselves in the vegetable world. In the culinary world, they are mostly featured in savoury dishes, making it obvious to consider them vegetables. However, tomatoes follow the defining characteristics of fruit, developed from flowers with seeds inside. Rich in potassium and vitamins, tomatoes are fairly easy to grow. So, the next time your salad bowl runs dry, you can pluck one from your home garden. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and place them in the soil, covering them with a thin layer of soil on top. Within a week, tiny saplings will grow.

Mango is the king of summer. Its fresh taste against the scorching heat of summer is heavenly, rejuvenating our parched souls. Biting into the sweet flesh is simply refreshing and even nostalgic, evoking fond childhood memories under the shade of a mango tree. Mango is not just a fruit—it’s the ultimate summer experience. You can keep your memories close and grow a mango tree at home.
Remove the pulpy flesh until you are left with the husk. With a knife, pry open the husk, and you will find a baby mango seed inside. Soak it in water for one hour and plant it. Cover it with a glass or a bottle. Soon, it will grow from a tiny sapling to a beautiful mango tree. You may have to change the pots as it grows. Since it’s indoors, it won’t grow as big as the outdoor ones. Regular pruning will keep it in check.

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